Germany haul: p2, Catrice, KikoGermany haul: p2, Catrice, Kiko

I was in Germany couple of days ago and “stole” a little bit of time for shopping. :angel:

Germany haul: p2, Catrice, Kiko
Germany haul: p2 (nail polishes, eyeshadows), Catrice (Welcome To Las Vegas), Kiko (Light Impulse)

As I didn’t have much time, I focused on p2 as I can not get that nowhere else than in German DM stores. I did manage to get all four Catrice Welcome To Las Vegas nail polishes and 2 Kiko Light Impulse LE eyeliners.

Here is the video of all my new goodies with eyeshadow and eyeliner swatches:

[youtube PIRJxfbMaZI 500 312]

I was so happy to see that they already had Impulse Light limited edition in Kiko, but my realistic side didn’t allow me to buy palettes as they had quite a few eyeshadows with either large shimmer or maybe even glitter and face palette that I wanted had shimmery blush and glittery highlighter … but I still dream about those gorgeous products. :sigh:

How do you like my new beauties? Do you have any favorites? :silly:Pred nekaj dnevi sem bila v Nemčiji in dobesedno ukradla nekaj časa za mini šoping. :angel:

Germany haul: p2, Catrice, Kiko
Germany haul: p2 (nail polishes, eyeshadows), Catrice (Welcome To Las Vegas), Kiko (Light Impulse)

Ker sem imela tako malo časa, sem se osredotočila na p2, ki mi je na voljo le v nemčkih DMih. Dobila pa sem tudi vse štiri Catrice Welcome To Las Vegas lake in 2 Kiko Light Impulse LE eyeliner-ja.

Video mojih novih dobrot ter swatchi senčk in eyelinerjev:

[youtube PIRJxfbMaZI 500 312]

Ne morem vam povedat kako sem bila vesela, ko sem zagledala Impulse Light LE v Kiku, vendar moja realistična polovica ni dovolila, da bi si kupila kako paleto … ali 2 … 3.   :ccc: Paleta senčil, ki sem jo imela ogledano, je imela kar nekaj zelo bleščičastih senčk, tako da bi realno uporabljala mogoče 1/4 senčil. Paleta za obraz pa je imela zelo bleščičast osvetljevalec in šimrast bronzer. Ampak so zadevice tako lepe, da jih še kar nisem prebolela. :sigh:

Kako so vam všeč moje nove pridobitve? Imate kakega favorita?

25 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Germany haul: p2, Catrice, Kiko<!--:--><!--:sl-->Germany haul: p2, Catrice, Kiko<!--:-->”

  1. Which nail polish are you wearing in the video? It is beautiful! Is it Catrice Drama Queen? Or maybe one from Essence’s Vampire’s Love collection?

    • China Glaze Midtown Magic … truly magical shade. :wub:
      It’s layerd over Alessandro nail polish, but you see only ChG one as it’s really opaque.


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