I’m so excited about this shade that I can’t find the right words to describe it. Although I am not a huge fan of cream polishes, this is one of the most beautiful pink shades in my collection. It is a wonderful fuchsia color, which is suitable both for the spring as well the summer. Like all the Revlon polishes I own, this one applied wonderfully. There are two coats in the picture above.
All the time I was thinking, what this shade reminds me of. Finally, I remembered the flowers … rhododendrons and azaleas…
I can’t wait for spring to come…
The second picture is borrowed from HERE.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thank you, wonka! Yes it’s really beautyful in perfect for spring and summer :cool:
Perfect for summer! :wub:
whoa ! that color is soooooo gorgeous ! :wub:
Ti si profi. Res, kapo dol.
Hvala, punce!
Gejba, upam, da boš kmalu obvladala zadevo, ker kaj dosti ne rabiš več rasti :devil:
Da vas malo potolažim. Moja druga roka ni tako lepo nalakirana :whistle: In veliko je odvisno od čopiča, konsistence laka in še marsičesa :wink:
Ko bom velika, bom znala tako natančno namazati nohte kot Maestra. :biggrin:
Ne samo, da je lepa barva; tudi nohtki in nanos so vredni pohvale :biggrin:
zaljubila sem se v te slikice in v te lakce. Dobra primerjava z rožicani! Čestitke.
Aham, NP iz Ilirije (v LJ) ;)
Ja res je. Je to kakšna NP? ;)
Maestra, tale fuksi-rozek ti takooo pristaja :w00t: