Everyday Minerals: Eyeshadows – Part 1

It’s been too long ago since I promised to swatch my Everyday Minerals eyeshadows. I just couldn’t do it any sooner, but now I finally managed to swatch one part of them.

Frost Bitten is white eyeshadow, which is pigmented quite well. It has a lot of multicolored tiny shimmer.

Christmas Carol is light grey-green shade also, containing tiny multicolored shimmer.

The next two eyeshadows are…

Mistle Toe is a shade with green base and not so tiny shimmer, which changes color from gold, green to bronze. I’m not quite satisfied with this eyeshadow, because the shimmer doesn’t melt with the base. It just stays on top of the base when I apply the eyeshadow dry. Also, the shimmer alone is a bit too big for my taste, but the difference between dry and the wet application is interesting. When applied dry, the base is more noticeable. When applied wet, the shimmer is more noticeable.

Silver Bells is a sliver eyeshadow with tiny multicolored shimmer.

I’m not very keen on Everyday Minerals eyeshadows so I don’t have many. Compared to Sweetscents eyeshadows they fade earlier. For the base I usually use cream eyeshadows and they are enough for me, but not with these eyeshadows. Maybe Everyday Minerals eyeshadows stay longer on the lid when used with UDPP or something similar.

For the end, one make up where I used shades Frost Bitten, Christmas Carol and Mistle Toe.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “Everyday Minerals: Eyeshadows – Part 1”

  1. MissDior, poštnina pri EDM se računa glede na težo in ti jo sproti računa za vsak dodani izdelek v košarici. Dodaj nekaj izdelkov v svojo košarico. Nekje imaš potem gumb Shipping Calculator (ali nekaj takega), na katerega klikni in ti bo izračunal poštnino. Jaz zmeraj izberem kar najcenejšo varianto. Moram pa reči, da poštnina ni pretirana. Aja, za free sample kit pride poštnine nekaj manj kot $5 ;)

  2. čeprav nisem velika navdušenka zelenih odtenkov zgleda da je tale barva zelo lepa :wub: ..namervala sm naročt od everyday minerals korektor saj imajo velik izbor barv(kar za tukaj ne morem reči) ampak me zanima koliko potem stane ta dostava..mogoče kera od vas ve?

  3. Hvala, punce!
    Tamara, se strinjam, da na fotografijah med odtenkoma praktično ni videti razlike. Morda se na drugi fotografiji malo bolj opazi. V resnici je bila razlika med njima. Ne sicer zelo velika razlika, a je bila vidna. Ampak recimo čez nekaj časa je ta razlika postajala vedno manjša. Barvi sta zbledeli in se popolnoma prelili. Ravno zaradi tega me EDM senčila (vsaj zgoraj omenjeni odtenki) niso preveč navdušila.

  4. Krasen make up, ampak veliko bolj so mi vsec fotke vseh teh stvari! Krasne!

    Zeleni make up ni med mojimi najljubsimi, ceprav sem si nazadnje kupila vsaj 4 zelene sencke.. 

    Izgleda lustno, amapk na make upu ni videt velike razlike med  Mistle Toe in Christmas carol.

    Sicer pa pohvale za super post!

  5. ii Maestra, lep, pomladni make up, tak svež in ful paše na tvoje zelene učke :heart:
    meni so pa EDM senčila kar všeč, moj favorit je sigurno In the garden

  6. Sem ugotovila, da sem prvo fotografijo pri Silver Bells objavila napačno, zdaj sem popravila ;)
    Gejba, hmmm… bi morala pogledati… če me spomin in občutek ne varata, potem je EDM bolj fino mleta… bom preverila ;)


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