Jessica – Bikini Blue

Jessica – Bikini Blue is a true “baby blue” shade. I like this color a lot! It’s so fresh and lovely.

I didn’t have any application issues. The first coats was a little streaky but the second evened everything out. Picture shows two coats. This time I was just too tired and sleepy and did a vary crapy job at applying the polish, but I asure you that it was my fault and the polish is just fine.

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7 thoughts on “Jessica – Bikini Blue”

  1. :w00t: That is so pretty! It reminds me of the Rescue Beauty Lounge polish.  I don’t remember the name exactly.  But it looks like one of the Sponge Bob collection.  Very pretty on you.

  2. To barvo sem sanjala po tistem, ko sem odkrila trgovino s temi lakci.. 

    Nisem pa pogledala za ceno, zato .. kaksna je cena?
    Videla sem jih v Butique ali nekaj podobnega..


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