It seems this spring nude shades are in. I consider this a boring trend. There are just too many sheer nudes out there. And a sheer nude is just doubly boring. But there are also some interesting opaque nudes. I’ve selected a few of them for you.
Essie – Nude Attitude is an odd shade and it reminds me of egg sauce. At first I didn’t know what to think about this shade. Is it odd or do I love it? Finally I decided, that I love it! It just goes well with my skin tone. It is delicate to wear and probably better suited for people with warmer skin tones.
Nude Attitude has an almost jelly finish. I didn’t have any application issues. There are two coats on the picture above.
Rescue Beauty Lounge – Opaque Nude is truly opaque. This one in comparison to Nude Attitude is more greyish and the finish is totally different. RBL has almost chalky finish. It’s a true creme. No jelly in sight.
Two coats in the picture above, taken in full sun. The picture below is taken in the shade.
I did have some problems with the brush. It’s just too soft for me and that’s why I couldn’t do a proper curve near my cuticles.
I played a bit and added one coat of Essie’s Trumpet. That’s how it turned out.
China Glaze – Heirloom Organza is not a proper nude shade. At least not for me or for my skin tone. It is light brown creme. At first I didn’t like it. But it grew on me and now I’m fond of it. It is such a strange color and that’s why I like it as much as I do!
There are two coats in the picture above. It would probably benefit from another coat as it’s of watery consistency, though not really difficult to handle.
For the end I’d like to add, that it is really difficult to find a great opaque nude shade that would suit a particular skin tone. I didn’t look for a perfect nude shade for me yet, but Nude Attitude did surprise me in a positive way.
How do you think about nude shades? Do you like them? Do you like them to be sheer or opaque?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
No, da vas spravim na druge asociacije. Morda tudi rahlo nasmejim. Moj dragi je šele po enem dnevi, ko sem že imela ta “khm” lak nalakiran na nohtih, opazil, kaj imam na nohtih in rekel: “Hmm, a ti si si karamelo na nohte namazala?” :silly: Vrejetno ne rabim omeniti, da mu ta karamela ni všeč :lol:
Uf.. kaj pa vem. Meni je se najlepsi Nude Attitude, ampak je se vseeno prevec ‘jajcni’, ker me res spominja na jajcni liker, no go.
Potem je tu Opaque Nude, ki mi v bistvu deluje dokaj hladen, to pomeni da niti nebi sel z mojo rumenkasto kozo..
In zadnji.. uf, ko sem ga zagledala je bila moja prva misel .. no ja saj ves. Ni mi vsec, sploh ne. Ker je tocno taksen odtenek, da te lahko samo asocira. Ampak verjetno se navadis..
Niso mi pa vsec prosojni lakci, ce ze imajo barvo naj jo imajo kar konkretno!
So kar dolgocasni, ok mogoce super ce imas kratke nohte in bi rad imel nabarvane, pa ves da ti nebi ravno pasalo na tako kratke nohtke.. to se se lahko tolerira.. Drugace mi pa niso ravno uau..
Tudi na mojih ne. :dizzy:
Nude otenki na mojih nohtih – no go :blush:
Rescue Beauty Lounge – Opaque Nude je fantastičen. :kissing:
Najbolj mi je všeč Trumpet čez Opaque Nude. Sicer pa nisem pristaš nude odtenkov. Ko bodo pogruntali rdeče nude odtenek, me pa mogoče premamijo. :devil:
Očitno sem tako padla v “barve”, da me nude lakci sploh ne ganejo :whistle: . Imam pa doma kar nekaj lepih nude odtenkov, ki večinoma samevajo.
Na zg slikah je meni najlepši RBL Opaque Nude.
RBL Opaque nude je perfekten, takega bi imela jaz. Jajček mi je prerumen, CG pa res malo pre….khm… :)
Meni so prosojni nude odtenki popolnoma brezvezni…ponavadi se še progasto nanašajo. Trenutno mi je najljubši Essence be pop a lula, ki je ob dovolj debelem nanosu skoraj polnoprekriven, pa zdi se mi, da se dobro ujema z mojo svetlo poltjo