Orly Prisma Gloss Gold “sandwiches”

I saw Orly Prisma Gloss Gold in Tran Design store and had to have it.

When I held it for the first time, I said to myself – where is all the shimmer?!? This is how it looked like:

Orly - Prisma Gloss Gold

After serious use of muscles for moving metal balls all over the bottle, it turned into this:

Orly - Prisma Gloss Gold

After I applied it over Essence Cherry Juice, I thought it to be a bit too much for my taste.

Since holo effect looks best in sunshine I took most of the photos in our backyard.

Base coat + 2 layers of Essence Cherry Juice and 1 coat of Orly Prisma Gloss Gold:

Essence Cherry Juice + Orly Prisma Gloss GoldEssence Cherry Juice + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold

So I applied one more coat of Essence Cherry Juice, to soften the holo effect.

Essence Cherry Juice + Orly Prisma Gloss GoldEssence Cherry Juice + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold

Essence Cherry Juice + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold
bright light

Since Cherry Juice was not sheer enough for the effect I was looking for – I tried with Essence Cotton Candy polish, that Maestra was kind enough to let me borrow for I while.

First I applied two coats of China Glaze Ridge Filler (staining makes it necessity to use something with camouflaging effect ) and then three coats of Essence Cotton Candy polish.

Essence Cotton Candy

This is how it looks with Orly Prisma Gloss Gold on top of it:

Essence Cotton Candy + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold

Essence Cotton Candy + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold

Essence Cotton Candy + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold
bright light
essence_Essence Cotton Candy + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold
bright light

I added another layer of Essence Cotton Candy polish and took more photos.

Essence Cotton Candy + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold
Essence Cotton Candy + Orly Prisma Gloss Gold
bright light

Orly Prisma Gloss is also available in silver version. I paid 3,19 USD (2,4 EUR) for my polish.

I would need sheer jelly polish in vibrant color for the effect I was looking for. I would prefer red or purple. Do you have any suggestions?

So – how do you like my sandwiches?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

20 thoughts on “Orly Prisma Gloss Gold “sandwiches””

  1. You’re welcome. I can hardly wait for you’re post. I just love experiments. :biggrin:
    You’re right – I wanted to avoid “in-your-face-glitter” effect, and achive somethig more subtile but still with a punch. :silly:

  2. I’ve been trying to figure out what the finished result reminds me of, and then it dawned on me- OPAL!

    It looks just like an opal, with fire shining from within, minus the “in-your-face-glitter.”

    I have to wait until Monday to re-do my mani, but my mind is reeling with sheer colors I never wear, but would be perfect for this look!

    Would you mind if I did a blog post on this, giving you the credit for the idea, of course?
    Either way, thanks for your inspiration!

  3. Thx. Let me know how it turned out. rose
    I wanted to try this combination with Essie Licorice, so if anyone has the two polishes I would love to see the result. :w00t:

  4. I am a fan of holo topcoats in general, but the subtle shimmer you’ve created by layering it under another coat is so beautiful!
    I will be trying this out with my next manicure for sure…Thanks for the great idea!

  5. I just like Prisma as topcoat or non. I have silver one on WL (how is it called… Orly Prisma Gloss Silver or I like Nubar Angel in silver (can’t find right name now)).

  6. To jaz vedno govorim za računalnike … pa me še vedno ne poslušajo. :devil:
    Hvala za predlog, vendar je meni je še holo too much. :lol: Me veseli, da si našla kombinacijo zase. :w00t:

  7. Evo.. v operi mini deluje… sicer pa na moji telefonski uber cool masineriji bi moglo vse delat :sideways: .

    Sem kupila niti ne toliko podoben lak in stestirala s cherry juice in je uaaaau prislo ven! Cisto totally awesome! poskusi s cim bolj pikcastim? Mislim bolj shimrastim.. :w00t:

  8. Tamara – smo stestirali na dostih mobitelih, pa je vsepovsod pravilno prikazalo.  Nekako je bil dosežen konsenz, da se določene strani in mobiteli enostavno ne ujemajo.

    Micena – jaz sem nanesla 1 debelejšo plast. Če dam  2 plasti, je pa kar konkreten nanos šimra.

    Nati – pri meni je kar rozikast. :ermm:

    Bom probala nanesti Goldija še čez Very Berry in Essie Allure.

  9. Sama imam podoben lak v srebrni barvi od Jessice (preden ga pretresem, je šimer ravno tako na dnu), moti pa me, da na koncu lahko skoraj preštejem število bleščic, ki jih z eno plastjo nanesem na noht. Tako malo jih je, da potrebujem vsaj 3 nanose za ‘spodoben’ izgled! Tale Orly izgleda veliko boljše! :cool:

  10. ‘Za efekt, ki sem ga želela, bi potrebovala barven jelly lak, ki ne bi bil preveč prekriven.’
    Cela linija gelly babyja..  je zanimiva. Sploh ta rdeci in vijolicast jelly. Oba sta cudovita!

    Meni najlepse izpade na cotton candy, sam simer brez dodatne plasti..   

    Drugace pa sem danes skoraj zivce izgubila, ko sem hotela pogledati ta post (pac blog entry) na telefonu. Se vedno polovica strani manjka! Grrrrr….  In se bolj sem bila jezna ko so se mi slikice nalozila in sem jih videla samo polovico! Sem probala vse, od nastavitve strani na telefoncku pa kaj vem se…  bom probala kaksno opero mini pobrat dol, pa bom videla ce bo kaj boljse :(.

    Sicer pa so izredno zanimivi tejle sendvici..!

  11. Moji imajo trenutno bolj švoh obdobje, da o ob nohtni kožici niti ne govorim. :sad:

    Nati – zato pa iščem manj prekriven jelly lak. :whistle: Mogoče bi tudi kaka vodena izvedba bila OK. Hm …

  12. Na soncu holo šimer prav zaživi.
    Včasih gre lepo dol, spet drugič pa težko. Predvidevam, da je to odvisno od števila plasti pod holo lakom.

  13. “Sendvič” efekt da laku globino, ampak meni je najbolj všeč slikano na soncu. Mislim, da tako pride holo šimer najbolj do izraza.
    Hm, ramišljam, če imam doma kakšen jelly rdeč lakec. Najbrž bi se našlo kaj, bom pregledala in sporočila.
    Najbolj mi je všeč z E Cherry Juice. :wub:
    Gejba, čudovite fotografije :w00t:

    Saj res, kako gre odstranjevanje :whistle:


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