EOTD: Leaps & Bounds and friends

I have some EOTD for you today of which I am a bit proud. It’s not a complicated make up, but I’ve made some effort. And I think it looks good with my green eyes.

Everyday Minerals: Leaps & Bounds, Anna Karenina; Sweetscents: Egyptian Green, HL; Gosh: Apple Jam Mineral eyeshadows that I used: Everyday Minerals – Leaps & Bounds, Anna Karenina; Sweetscents – Egyptian Green, HL; Gosh – Apple Jam.

The more I look at these pictures the more I like the blue-green combination. And I find Anna Karenina so pretty. Such a great blue eyeshadow. Thanks, Nati!

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8 thoughts on “EOTD: Leaps & Bounds and friends”

  1. :wink: You have beautiful eyes! Your eye makeup just enhances them beautifully.  Lovely makeup and nice application.

  2. Hvala vsem za pohvale! :rose:

    Nati, brez tebe ne bi bilo takšnega MU ;) Poročaj, kako ti je uspelo in kako ti je bilo všeč!

    Gejba, kar sprobaj. Se že veselim fotk ;)

    …jagodka, me veseli, da ti pride prav kakšna ideja!

    zabica, ta modra je fantastique ;) Itak, da jo moraš imeti :silly:

    Mamy, :rose:

  3. Wau, wau, wau! Še en čudovit MU! Res so mi odlični tvoji make-upi, ker maš podobno barvo oči kot jaz in mi vedno daš kakšno dobro idejo. :wub:

  4. juhuuu Nati je mal zaslužna za tale čudovit make up al kaj? :)) ni zakej, hvala tebi za tako super idjo – čimprej sprobam!


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