While watching pictures of “polish disasters” on one of the Slovenian forums, I asked myself, are nail polish corrector pens really such a huge secret or are some people afraid of them for one reason or another.
When I started to use darker polishes, I couldn’t imagine applying polish without corrector pen. I don’t use them much now, but they do still come in handy.
I currently own two nail corrector pens: Essence Nail Polish Corrector Pencil and LCN Polish Corrector. Both of them are acetone free and have extra tips included.
LCN tip storage is demountable. I usually don’t remove it on purpose … since I doubt I wouldn’t find it again. I’m forever chasing it around as it is, since it’s loose and it comes off all the time.
Both pencils get the job done – but LCN one does it little bit better. It has firmer tip that lasts longer than Essence one. I prefer firmer tip when I’m repairing slip ups on the nail itself – firmness gives me the precision I need. One of the pluses for LCN pencil is also stronger nail polish remover – it removes “oopses” quicker and with minimal mess.
As you can see, LCN has thinner and more pointy tip – another reasons it gives you more precise clean up than Essence corrector pen. If I add in the equation longer lasting power of LCN tips, I have a winner … even thou it costs more than Essence one.
But I do find that corrector pens work well only if you have smaller slip ups. They’re not as good with larger areas or “bleeding” polishes.
So, which corrector pen are you currently using?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Oprosti, sem ga sla vohat izrecno zate.. se enx! Tako od blizu daje po .. hudo bonbonckasti cesnji, na nohtih pa.. no se ve.
(bom celo znanost razvila iz tega bogega korekturnega svincnika).. :stars:
O fuj. Zelo dobrodošla informacija. :rose:
Raje ne.. mislim no saj lahko.
Ampak iskreno.. smrdi po tistih skatlastih wcjih. Ko dodajajo neko vonjavo da prikrije vse druge… tocno tak vonj ima. OMG!
Problem je da niti aceton ne spravi tega vonja dol, ne milo ne.. nic! :think:
Hvala za info. Bom sprobala.
Verjetno so popravili formulo… Disi drugace!
Hvala, melanie. :rose:
Aha, bo treba probati še LCN. :think:
Dober članek. :wink:
Cisto mozno. Ne vem ce je kaj spremenjeno, bo potrebno iti po se enega.. (enega sem kupila da sem ga dala naprej), ampak izgleda pa identicen.
Torej so zamenjali samo barvo embalaže? :unsure:
js imam že novega, pa ne opazim nobene razlike – mislim da vsebine in konice niso menjali
Me firbec matra, če se je še kaj spremenilo poleg barve. Bo treba preveriti.
O lustno. Tale lcn izgleda krasen, bi bilo za poskusit. Btw essence korekturni svincnik je v novi obleki.. Namrec ni vec bel ampak nek cuden odtenek roznate, bljak! Sem fen roznate barve, ampak tisti odtenek mi ne sede…
So pa krasni za kaksne hitre popravke na se svezem lakcu..
Jaz imam tega od Essence in sem zadovoljna. Barvnih lakov itak ne uporabljam pogosto, tako da mi posamezna konica zdrži kar nekaj časa, čeprav je tisto o ‘cvetenju’ čisto res.