Ombia – glass file and nail polish remover pads

Last week I bought Ombia glass file in Hofer store.

Ombia, Essie – glass file

File is protected with plastic shield. I’m not really sure what is its function, since glass files are known for its fragility, so it really should have stronger casing.

Ombia – glass file

I already had Essie crystal file, so I compared the two. As you can see, I use Essie file a lot, name on it will soon be just a memory.

Ombia, Essie – glass file
L: Ombia; R: Essie

Size is almost the same, Ombia file is just slightly larger.

There are two main differences. Ombia file has rougher surface, while Essie file has sharper/narrower tip.

Ombia, Essie – glass file

I’ll be using Ombia file for quick shortening of the nails, since it’s just to rough for regular usage.

Price for Ombia file is 2,99 EUR, while Essies costs around 15 EUR. Quite a price difference, but in this case Essie file is worth its price.

In one of the previous Hofer sales I bought Ombia nail polish remover pads.

Ombia - Nail Polish Remover Pads

You get 50 pads, which have plastic covering on one side (blue color). Its purpose is to prevent leaking of nail polish remover on to your hands.

It’s interesting idea – but I don’t like them very much. They may come in handy for smaller repairs, so you don’t ruin you manicure, but otherwise, polish leaks at side of the pads, so you still get polish remover all over you.

And keep in mind, you only get to remove polish with one side of the pad, so you need more pads to remove nail polish. Not very ecological.

I don’t remember how much they cost, but I now they were not cheap.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

6 thoughts on “Ombia – glass file and nail polish remover pads”

  1. The theory of the pads was nice. It’s hard to fix your manicure without messing up the rest of your nails. True that it will use up twice as many pads and cost more. I just use the polish remover in a jar. That way the rest of my nails don’t get ruined.

  2. Takoj ko se lotim projekta, bom poročala o rezultatu. Mislim, da bom rabila kakšen strokoven nasvet o brušenju stekla.
    Danes sem v Leclercu v Lj videla kar nekaj kristalnih pilic (BTW, zakaj se enkrat uporablja izraz steklena, drugič kristalna, tudi na deklaracijah sta v uporabi oba izraza :blush: ).

  3. Pilica je res pregroba. Tudi jaz jo bom verjetno uporabljala za krajšanje nohtov. Če sploh… ideja od Mamy ni slaba. Poročaj, kakšni bodo rezultati ;)

    Vatice sem prav tako nabavila in so me totalno razočarale. Meni preveč polzi ta folijast del. Jap, škoda denarja.

  4. Poročaj kakšen je bil rezultat. :biggrin:

    Še nekaj slikic bo z istim ozadjem. Veliko časa – kislo vreme na morju – delaš swatche.  :angel:

  5. Škoda, da je tako groba. Razmišljam, da bi jo malo obrusila z zelo finim smirk papirjem. Morda jo naredim nohtom bolj prijazno :nails:

    Na drugi sliki je tako lepo ozadje, da vatnih blaznic skoraj opazila nisem :whistle: :drop:


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