KOTD: Matte Sunshine with little beasts

My today’s konadicure is one of the funniest I’ve ever worn. I simply love it!

I started with two coats of Avon’s Sunshine, which is the perfect creme sunshine yellow. You wouldn’t believe it, but this one actually applied like a dream. No streakiness at all. Great! The yellow base screamed for some nail art. After a few minutes thinking, I decided to use images from the Konad plate m10, so I end up having sunshine beasts on my nails. It looks like I have a cartoon on my nails.

Avon Sunshine + Konad m10 Avon Sunshine + Konad m10

I didn’t think I could improve this manicure, but Essie’s Matte About You (matte top coat) works wonders.

Avon Sunshine + Konad m10 + Essie Matte About You

I have a feeling that this konadicure could entertain me a whole week, but it most likely won’t as I just got the new fall fashion Essies, so I have some swatching to do.

And what is on your nails right now?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

20 thoughts on “KOTD: Matte Sunshine with little beasts”

  1. Joooooj, usta imam na široko odprta, saj tako lušnih nohtov že dolgo nisem videla.. Še vedno si rada pogledam kakšno risanko, zato sem se v te nohte naravnost zaljubila :wub:  :blush:

  2. super nohtki :wink:
    jaz sem se danes na frišno zaljubila v matkota :wub: :haha: res je zakon!
    tole platko imam pa tudi namen kmalu naročiti, ker je res luškana :silly:

  3. :cool: That’s amazing that a yellow applies well. I love that Konad plate. The figures are really cute. It does look like a cartoon strip.

  4. So cute! It’s a very nice yellow and I’m glad it applies well.
    I’m playing with my Zoyas from the Dare collection that just arrived. So far, I like them all :nails:.

  5. Tole mat pa hudo dobro pride. Si bom tudi sama omislila ta nadlak.  Na mojih nohtih pa še vedno že četrti dan brezhiben Midnight cami.

  6. Ooooo Maestra! Wauuu! Kako luštno! Nehajte zdaj s to konadikuro, ker si bom še jaz vse kupila….ful je posrečeno vse skupaj! :wub:  :wub:

  7. Tudi jaz imam Avon Sunshine na nohtih in prav tako sem ga poštempiljkala, a z motivom, ki pokrije celotni noht. :) Tvoja konadikura je pa itak krasna kot vedno. :)

  8. Nora manikura! Sem se kar ustrasila previewa.. xD
    Je pa res totalno kjut rec in me prav mika da bi si kaj takega tudi sama ustvarila..  Toda zal, nic lakiranja ne bo zame… :)
    Ti pa super pase!
    Pa javi kako se matte about you obnese kot sam nadlak.

  9. Mene je tale rumenko čisto presenetil. Mislila sem, da se bo bolj tepel z mojo poltjo in mi ne bo preveč všeč, vendar me je kar v dobro voljo spravil, tako čudovito sončen je! In tako lepo se nanaša <3

    Mat nadlak sem tokrat nanesla (v gostilni) kar čez že obstoječo manikuro, v prihodnje ga bom seveda preizkusila kot “navaden” nadlak. Me prav zanima, ali je kaj hitro sošečega v njem. Seveda bom poročala ;)

  10. luštkanoooooo!
    tale Avono rumenko me pa muči, zelo zelo…krasen je!
    Matte about you pa res naredi lep finiš. A najprej naneseš navaden hitrosušči nadlak, pa potem MAY, ali kar diekt MAY na barvni lak?
    na mojih nohtih je pa še kar Gosh Ocean in črn konad…ni časa za menjavo


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