Sweetscents – Hope

Sweetscents has two new eyeshadows – Hope and Pizzaz. We got Hope sample with our previous oder.

Sweetscents – Hope

Hope is shimmery eyeshadow with light violet base and noticeable multicolored shimmer.

Sweetscents – Hope

Eyeshadow gets warmer hue when in sunlight.

Sweetscents – Hope

In closed space or in shadow, silver color starts to prevail and eyeshadow gets more lavender colored.

Sweetscents – Hope

Like most of the shimmery eyeshadows it needs the base to anchor it to the skin.

Sweetscents – Hope
under bright light

Since I don’t have Pizzaz, I’m adding Joans description:

Pizzaz is a brownish medium color with burgundyish undertones. Its a low luster.

I mostly use this eyeshadow as highlighter for evening make up.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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