Made With Love TE is already available in our drugstores.
Nothing looked good to me … besides polishes of course.
- Blush is almost invisible;
- eyeliners come in boring colors: black, brown and pink;
- liquid eyeliners (gold, black and pink) would be perfect if Essence sold them with sponge and called them cream eyeshadows;
- quattro eye shadows are OK, but not as finely milled as my favorites … mineral eyeshadows;
- both perfumes are kind of sweet – Secret Love is just more fruity;
- cosmetic bag looks to me more like pen case.
But I did buy all three polishes.
First I tried out Love2 … and did not like it very much. It’s too streaky for my taste. I achieved somewhat satisfactory application with 3 thin layers or 2 thicker ones – in both cases it took ages for polish to dry. There are two coats without top coat in photos.
It’s creme pink shade I’ll be using as base for stamping. Color is OK, but I’m not really a fan of creme polishes.
“Sun photo” is little bit to light and not enough pink.
Love Of My Life is gorgeous polish in champagne color with interesting multicolored shimmer.
I expected it to be more streaky because of its metallic finish, but I was pleasantly surprised.
My first thought was – this shade would be perfect to use with Konad over the In Love polish. But since I didn’t have any appropriate plate at home, Maestra came to the rescue. She let her imagination loose and Maestra’s beast was born. :D
She used one layer of In Love or two layers of Love Of My Life polish as a base. Nail art on ring finger is meant to be little bit askew. Plate used is Konad IP m24.
My favorite from Made With Love TE is In Love shade. I’ve been looking for more than a year for shade like this – darker brown without red undertones but not to much of gray or yellow at the same time.
It looks more warm in sun picture than it really is. This polish also has creme finish.
Don’t you just want to eat up this chocolate shade?
I used two layers, but one is enough if you’re little bit more careful while applying it. As Maestra showed you it can be used with Konad. I would suggest using deeper set images.
Polishes cost 1,75 EUR for 10 ml bottle.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
i like the 1 that u used on stamping… im glad that another non konad polish made a great stap again…
:think: I like the Konad. Good thing that these polishes work with the stamp. They look gorgeous on you. They are all shades I’ve seen before. I do lik the chocolate. Looks yummy!
looove the first two polishes, gorgeous colors!
I prefer last two. :angel:
So Beautiful…i will have all of them…this collection will arrived in Italy too…fortunatly… :nails:
So they work fine with Konad??
All of them work with Konad – pink is quite sheer but you get pattern onto your nails. :biggrin:
Love Of My Life res ni veliko obetal na promocijskih slikicah.
Joj, pa ravno včeraj sem rekla, da ne bom nič več kupovala lakov in parfumov.
Zdaj pa vidim te čudovite lakce… zlat in rjav sta čudovita. Sem prijetno presenečena, ker sem mislila, da ne bo zlat, pač pa neka grda bež krem barva.
Še parfumčke moram it pogledat. Pa zlato črtalo. :wub:
Tamara – glede na to, da se da z vsemi tremi konadirati, ti jih toplo priporočam.
Nati – super, da si dobila. A ne, da mi paše Barbi pink? :silly:
Cathy – mogoče pa še dobiš kje.
joj spet bom tole zamudla.. lakci res zgledajo super.. razen tist roza… full fajn
Meni je bilo pa veliko stvari všeč.
Še najbolj rjav in zlat lakec ter ena senčka, ki so šli z mano, pa torbica in celo en parfumček… :stars:
O, tegale zlatkota bi pa jaz tudi imela. Za konad.
aaaah, oooooh uuuuuuuh!!! noro noro norooooo! hvalaogu me je zlatko še čakal na polički ;) gotovo bo tole moja naslednja konad kombinacija :))
in gejba, rozek ti noro paše! Nisem navajena tega na tvojih nohtih, ampak ti fuul paše!
Zanimivo…. danes sem si ogledovala policko, pa me ni nic pritegnilo..
Sedaj mi je malo zal, ker so res krasni za konadiranje…