Essie – Scarlett O’Hara

Sarlett O’Hara was my first Essie nail polish and it definitely deserves its own post.

Essie – Scarlett O’Hara

Essie really has huge collection of red polishes, but Scarlett was the only one I fell in love at the first sight. It’s not true red because of its berry undertone, but I just love it.

Essie – Scarlett O’Hara

Polish has magenta, gold and red shimmer in berry red base. Sun brings shimmer to life so the polish looks more red than in shade.

Essie – Scarlett O’Hara

Bottle holds 15ml of polish. I have old formula which is not Big 3 Free. It did thicken a little bit even thou Essie put two metal balls in the polish to prevent that.

I have to use thin layers for fast drying polish to work.

I used 2 coats + Essie Good To Go top coat.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “Essie – Scarlett O’Hara”

  1. Gejba, kako ti ta odtenek pristoji. :w00t:
    Takrat Pod vodo… nepozabno, res smo se imele fajn. In koliko nas je bilo na kupu…in obnoreli so me/nas Essie lakci.
    Sašin sredinec… :haha: . Skratka, eden naših začetkov, kajne. :biggrin:
    Scarletka mi je še vedno eden najlepših lakov sploh. Skoraj must have. :stars:

  2. :wink: Scarlett O’Hara is really pretty. Love the name since Gone With the Wind is one of my favorite movies. Looks lovely on you.

  3. Brez skrbi – tudi jaz se še spomnim mojih dilem: pretemen, presvetel, preveč prosojen … Potem sem pa spoznala Maestro – sedaj so mi vsi luštni. :silly:

  4. Gejba, Scarlettka ti je pisana na kožo. Spomnim se, kako si takrat izbirala… čeprav sem te pravkar spoznala in praktično nič nisem vedela o tebi… hahaha, priznam, da se mi je zdelo smešno, kako dolgo se nisi mogla odločiti, katerega vzeti. :biggrin: Saj ne, da sem jaz še dlje izbirala in se odločala med Wrapped in Rubies in Burma Ruby. Zmagal je slednji. :wub:


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