Essie Fall 2009 – Pink Parka

Today I have for you a creme pink neon shade called Pink Parka. It’s from Essie‘s collection for fall 2009, called Cuddle with Color. This collection is very funny and so not-Essie. It’s a mixture of neons (for fall!!!), grey, brown-taupe, dusty rose and blue. I mean, for me, this collection is funny in a good way. Although there are tons of greys this year, I still love them. And neons for fall… what can I say… I have mixed feelings about neons for fall. I love the colors but I don’t know if I’m going to wear them, when there is cold outside and leaves start to fall from the trees. And my tan is going to fade… I just don’t know if I’ll be in a mood for neons. OK, they’ll keep and wait for next summer. But you never know, maybe I’ll go a bit crazy this fall and winter and I’ll wear only neons on my tips… maybe… we’ll see…

Nevermind, it’s still hot outside and I’m on a two weeks working vacation at the beach. Pink Parka is the perfect color for the beach. It’s pink and it’s neon.

Essie - Pink Parka

It applied decently for a neon. It dried matte. There are two coats in the picture with one coat of top coat.

What do you think about neons for fall?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Essie Fall 2009 – Pink Parka”

  1. :wub: Greys will be perfect for Fall. I guess maybe if you live in a country or area that’s hot in the Fall these will be great. The pink is really pretty. I have something like it.

  2. Žal ne bi vedela, kako se razlikuje od poletnega neon rozija, ker tisti neoni niso več pri meni. Pripevek o poletnih neonih pa je TUKAJ.

    Ko fotkam neone, moja koža zmeraj izgleda precej temna. Je pa res, da še malo lovim sončne žarke in uživam, saj so temperature ravno pravšnje za poležavanje na plaži. :w00t:

  3. Kako se tale neon rozek razlikuje od poletnih neon rozijev? meni se zdi čisto podoben…
    Maestra, tvoja koža na fotki pa izgleda ko koža mulatke ;) vidim da uspešno loviš še zadnje sončne žarke tega poletja :) lepo izkoristi dopust!
    meni roza neoni sicer niso všeč, mi je pa všeč oranžko iz te kolekcije. Sicer pa močno dvomim, da bi jaz v jeseni nosila take barve na nohtih…niti ne vem, kako bi to skombinirala z jesenskim plaščem :)


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