I found these pretties at DM drugstore when walking around Zadar. I think these are new shades, at least I don’t remember seeing them before. I picked up four of them. They have numerical names: 464, 466, 468 and 469.
464 is a creme dark purple. Two coats in the picture.
This purple doesn’t have a lot of blue in it, that’s what I wanted you to show in the next picture.
466 is a grey with gold shimmer. Very interesting combination. In the shade it’s grey with subtle shimmer.

The golden shimmer comes to the front in the sun. Two coats in the picture.

468 is a brown to crimson red with tons of shimmer. I think this one will be the most “popular” shade and it’s great for fall. Two coats in the picture.

469 is metallic green, which looks much better in the shade than it does in the sun. Strange, isn’t it?

Two coats in the picture.

It becomes really sparkly in the sun, which is a good thing, but the down side is that the color somehow fades.
All in all, the polishes are great. The consistency is a bit on the thick side (except the green one), so a few drops of thinner would probably make them perfect. The shades are great for a drugstore brand, so thumbs up for S-he!
What do you think about these shades?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Imela bi vse … razen strupenkota. :silly:
Hočem, hočem, hočem!!!! :w00t: Vijola in siv sta čudovita! :wub:
Thank you, Lucy! :rose:
:stars: They are gorgeous polishes. The grey is the more unusual. Love the gold shimmer in it. I always love the polishes with the shimmers in them. They all look lovely on you.
Vauuuu, vsi trije so krasni. Siv je pa res nekaj posebnega, celo meni je všeč, ki se do sedaj nisem navduševala na sivkoti.
No, me veseli, da vam je všeč! :rose: Mene so dejansko navdušili! Barve so krasne in čisto nič dolgočasne. Ko sem zagledala sivkota, sem vedela, da morajo biti novi odtenki, ker siv odtenek bi pa zagotovo že opazila na S-he stojalu. Zadnje čase bi namreč pokupila vse sivo, kar sedi na policah. :biggrin:
Meni je pa prvič v življenju dejansko všeč siv lakec. :stars:
Običajno so zame preveč dolgočasni, ta je pa tako poseben, da se ga kar ne morem nagledati!
Pa tudi rdečko je krasen in seveda sta tudi ostala 2 zanimiva. Končno nekaj novega pri S-he! :w00t:
Maestra, super post!!
Ta post me je pa čist’ razveselil. Če nisem dobila vijolic iz nobene od zadnjih dveh Essence LE, si bom pa 464 privoščila. Pa zelo mi je všeč, da si pokazala, da nima veliko modre v sebi. Točno tako vijolico si želim. :biggrin: Hvala!
Krasni so Maestra!
nisem prepričana, ali so isti, ampak tudi jaz sem zadnjič ogledovala stojalo in se mi je zdelo, da je nekaj več odtenkov…vsekakor grem jutri pogledat, ker 266 pa MORAM imet :stars: noro lep je!