My first oval nail wheel

It took me quite some time to fink nail wheel with transparent “nails”. White plastic gives me the wrong impression about polish opacity so it really had to be transparent one. I finally found one in Trans Design store.

Trans Design Nail Wheel

Price is very reasonable at 0,75$ a piece, but the shipping …

Right after I got the ovals, I received a lot of polishes from BIH (thank you Gaga ). Of course I had to test it right away.

Nail Color Wheel

Only no. 19 has three layers, with others I used 2.

Here are close ups.

Nail Color Wheel

Nail Color Wheel

Nail Color Wheel

Nail Color Wheel

Nail Color Wheel

And the last photo of oval A.

Nail Color Wheel

I love the idea, so number of ovals in my collection will be rising.

Did you find any similar product in other Internet stores? How did you like them?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

18 thoughts on “My first oval nail wheel”

  1. En lep pozdrav. Jaz imam tester za lake od Avona. Slikice nisem našla, ker je med tester proizvodi je pa kar zanimiv in praktičen. Na kovinskem krogcu je druga za drugo nanizanih 25 plastičnih prozornih paličic s konico, ki izgleda kot noht. Mene spominjajo na tiste miniaturne žličke, ki jih ponekod dobiš v kavi iz kavnih avtomatih.  Palčke se lahko jemljejo dol in dodajajo po želji.  Po mojem mnenju ni namenjen primerjavi lakov med sabo ampak bolj temu da imaš odtenke, ki jih večinoma uporabljaš na enem mestu in se lažje odločiš. Tako da meni pride prav, ko se ne morem odločit katero barvo pa jih pomerjam na nohte :whistle: . Ni pa pregledna kot oval, ker so palčke nanizane druga za drugo tako da odvisno od želja.  Stane pa 1,50eur. Upam da nisem preveč zakomlicirala :blush:

  2. Do you put a base coat on the nails too? Please answer! I’m thinking of getting a nail wheel too and I can see the pros of a transparent one

  3. :cool:That’s a good idea to have those nail wheels. Do you have every polish you own on the wheels? I guess it would be an easier way of finding a shade you want to wear. Clear is a good idea and thanks for letting us know where to get them. I love all the shades of polish. They look like a nice Fall palette of shades.

  4. i have the same wheels to showcase/organize my polish collection. i also got them from transdesign. i like them for the number of “nails” and the transparency to really get the true color/finish payoff with my polishes. however, i do find the oval shape of both the wheel itself and the “nails” to be awkward. oh well, i got ten of them so until i go thru them (i’ve got two and a half left!) i’ll be forced to look for another choice.

  5. Kraaasnoooo! Ful mi je vsec in ideja in izvedba! Tudi jaz bi imela nekaj takega.. :D
    Koliko si odstela za postnino? Upam, da si kupila vec kot en kolescek. :devil:

  6. :rose:

    Edina pomanjkljivost mojih ovalov je, da niso vsi “nohti” lepo zaključeni. Drugače ne smrdijo in so prišli vsi v popolni postavi. :silly:


  7. lepi lakci :nails: pa res so super razporejeni :silly:
    jaz imam čisto iste koleščke, na ebayu pridejo okoli 4€, 10 v paketku :wink:
    samo ne vem pa če so tile tvoji enako slabi kot tisti, jih je dosti prišlo odlamanih nohtov, pa ko lakiraš gor, malo smri  po zažganem :whistle:


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