KOTD: Essence Live Forever + Chez-Delaney H17

While I was doing swatches for Essence Moonlight TE collection I was intrigued by the combination of Live Forever and Essie Matte About You. I could just see Konad over it. I used Stargazer 236 metallic blue polish and waves from Chez-Delaney plate H 17.

Essence Live Forever + Stargazer 236 +CD H17

Essence Live Forever + Stargazer 236 +CD H17

I can tell you that removing Live Forever after all those layers of polish was not piece of cake.

How do you like silver-blue/matte-metallic combination?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

22 thoughts on “KOTD: Essence Live Forever + Chez-Delaney H17”

  1. Zelo lep vzorec in barvna kombinacija. Tudi sama sem si naročila Konad stamping set in komaj čakam da ga dobim in sprobam:) Me pa zelo zanima, kje bi lahko kupila lakce STARGAZER?????

  2. I like that combination, it’s really pretty.
    The metallic finish, the silver and blue and the waves make this mani look peaceful and a little futuristic at the same time :nails:

    I still can’t believe how pretty Live Forever is :wub:

  3. Hey :D Vaš blog spremljam že kakšne pol leta in vsaka manikura oz. konadikatura me na novo nauduši :D Res ste super..in tale manikura mi je posebno všeč kot ljubiteljici sive barve <3 sploh pa valovi, ki spominjajo na poletje. :D Super ste..in hvala za marsikatero informacijo in idejo..Upam da boste še dolgo ustvarjale in objavljale umetnine.

    • Dobrodošla, lunca.
      Torej ni samo mene tale manikura spomnila na morje. :silly:
      Ko preberem tako lepo pohvalo, moram takoj kaj naresti za blog. Letim ven delat swatche. :biggrin:

  4. Uf, Gejba, tole je pa res nora manikura! Sicer mi nobena od teh dveh barv ni najbolj všeč posamezno, skupaj sta pa super! :w00t:


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