While I was doing swatches for Essence Moonlight TE collection I was intrigued by the combination of Live Forever and Essie Matte About You. I could just see Konad over it. I used Stargazer 236 metallic blue polish and waves from Chez-Delaney plate H 17.
I can tell you that removing Live Forever after all those layers of polish was not piece of cake.
How do you like silver-blue/matte-metallic combination?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Zelo lep vzorec in barvna kombinacija. Tudi sama sem si naročila Konad stamping set in komaj čakam da ga dobim in sprobam:) Me pa zelo zanima, kje bi lahko kupila lakce STARGAZER?????
ohhh… essence all access polish is not available here in abu dhabi.. :ermm: :think:
:blush: no I am not stalking you but I just happened to see this on essence’s website and thought you might be interested:
I have a huge lemming for those cute reindeer stickers now :silly:
I’m information junkie, so feel free to drop by and share. :silly:
First thing that caught my attention was mascara. :biggrin:
Hello again :)
I am just dropping by to let you ladies know I have tagged you on my blog today.
Have a nice sunday ^^
:wub: That’s such a pretty manicure. Reminds me on the sea. The color and the wavy pattern. Very pretty.
i really like this h17 so much…i like the metallic look.. :biggrin:
I must say I prefer metallic polishes for konadicures – the stamp beautifully and go with creme, matte or shimmer base.
I like that combination, it’s really pretty.
The metallic finish, the silver and blue and the waves make this mani look peaceful and a little futuristic at the same time :nails:
I still can’t believe how pretty Live Forever is :wub:
Well, I am Sci-fi fan. :silly:
That is beautiful! Nice work!
Hey :D Vaš blog spremljam že kakšne pol leta in vsaka manikura oz. konadikatura me na novo nauduši :D Res ste super..in tale manikura mi je posebno všeč kot ljubiteljici sive barve <3 sploh pa valovi, ki spominjajo na poletje. :D Super ste..in hvala za marsikatero informacijo in idejo..Upam da boste še dolgo ustvarjale in objavljale umetnine.
Dobrodošla, lunca.
Torej ni samo mene tale manikura spomnila na morje. :silly:
Ko preberem tako lepo pohvalo, moram takoj kaj naresti za blog. Letim ven delat swatche. :biggrin:
Uf, Gejba, tole je pa res nora manikura! Sicer mi nobena od teh dveh barv ni najbolj všeč posamezno, skupaj sta pa super! :w00t:
Eno kombinacijo za Stargazerja sedaj imam, da vidim, če mi ga uspe lepo kombinirati še katero drugo barvo.
Zelo lepo! krasna kombinacija!
ahh, mi delaš lušte po poletju…
Me tako zebe, da sem morala dati na nohte nekaj “toplega”. :silly:
O, valovi, kako pašejo na sivo podlago. :w00t:
Se dopolnjujejo, ane?
zeeelooo lepo. Krasen konad in tut kombinacija barv je izredno lepa. :wub: