One of my past konadicures

Today I have one of my past konadicures to show to you. First of, let’s see, how it looked pre-konaded…

Jessica - Sherbet and OPI - Clubbing Till SunriseFor this manicure I used Jessica – Sherbet and OPI – Clubbing Till Sunrise nail polishes. Both polishes were applied in two coats. A short note about the manicure. Do you know the feeling, when you get two or even more polishes at the same time and than you don’t know which one to use first? That happened to me. I got the two polishes mentioned above. I just couldn’t decide, which one to use first, so I used both. :D The combination didn’t work together very well, but OK… It doesn’t have to be perfect each and every time.

Jessica - Sherbet and OPI - Clubbing Till SunriseAs I said at the begining I added some Konad. Sorry, but I can’t remember which image plate I used. Polishes used for konading were Avon‘s pink and copper ones from the Mirror Shine line.

Jessica - Sherbet and OPI - Clubbing Till Sunrise + konadThanks for reading and have a nice day!

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7 thoughts on “One of my past konadicures”

  1. :biggrin:That’s a pretty manicure. I know what you mean. Just like my manicure today. I tried it but I’m not thrilled by it.


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