Merry Christmas everybody!!!
My manicure for the day is Alessandro 285 mini – glittery red polish … just the color Santa ordered.
I love this red based color loaded with red and black glitter. For the bonus Alessandro added few of the hexagon shaped glitter particles.
Pics are not perfect. First is taken in the cloudy winter day and second with flash under bright light to bring out the glitter.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Točno, zlate šestkotnike sem pozabila omeniti. Res je težko ujeti v objektiv dejanski izgled tega laka. :think:
Looks like Ruby Slippers. Very pretty.
S skupnimi močmi pokrijeva najpomembnejši barvi. :haha:
Gejba, na tebi so rdečkoti čisto nekaj drugega kot na meni. Enostavno so narejeni zate! Zame pa strupenkoti… :silly:
Še jaz z malo zamude .. Srečen božič vsem!
Drugače pa krasen lakec :)
gejba, krasno!!
js imam čisto podobno manikuro ;)
Vesel božič vsem Parokeetkam:) tale lakec je res krasen :inlove:
Thank you for following my blog! :) That is one hot nail polish. It’s so perfect for Christmas!… wheee~ :)
Ajme, prekrasan je!!! Koja je cijena ovog laka? :)
Obavezno u nedjelju idem u potragu :D
3-4 EUR za mini verziju.
Krasotec …
Tudi tebi lep in prijeten božič.
Hvala, rabarbara. :rose: