Christmas land manicure

My Christmas land in shrouded in dark purple night and only thing you can see are pink paws. On the lonely meadow dear is looking around for other wild life.

I used Fauxnad H21 and H28.

Fauxnad H21, H28My “night” is Essence All I Want Hohoho nail polish. Pink paws and dear are made with Avon Polished Pink Maestra kindly got for me. You really have to be quick using Mirror Shine polishes, but I wouldn’t mind acquiring few more. :D

Essence Hohoho; Avon Polished Pink + Fauxnad H21, H28

Essence Hohoho; Avon Polished Pink + Fauxnad H21, H28

Essence Hohoho; Avon Polished Pink + Fauxnad H21, H28

Hope you like konadicure. I had great time making it.

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18 thoughts on “Christmas land manicure”

  1. Zelo lepo, Gejba! :wub: Moja božična manikura bo Alessandro mini – 295 – folijasto srebrno-šampanjec (ne znam opisati barve). Tako mi je všeč, da verjetno ne bom dala Konada čez.

    Lepe božične praznike vsem!


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