My Christmas land in shrouded in dark purple night and only thing you can see are pink paws. On the lonely meadow dear is looking around for other wild life.
I used Fauxnad H21 and H28.
My “night” is Essence All I Want Hohoho nail polish. Pink paws and dear are made with Avon Polished Pink Maestra kindly got for me. You really have to be quick using Mirror Shine polishes, but I wouldn’t mind acquiring few more. :D
Hope you like konadicure. I had great time making it.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
woooww ful hudo
this is awesome… avon mirror shine is really great in konadicure… :nails:
merry xmas sweety
Thx, thriszha. Hope you have great Christmas.
But its not avail here in the philippines, :(
anyway … Merry christmas…
How come? Chez-Delaney is not sending plates to Philippines?
Oh, res lepo :wub:
Zelo lepo, Gejba! :wub: Moja božična manikura bo Alessandro mini – 295 – folijasto srebrno-šampanjec (ne znam opisati barve). Tako mi je všeč, da verjetno ne bom dala Konada čez.
Lepe božične praznike vsem!
Mislim, da vem na katerega misliš. Zelo lep lakec. :nails:
Prelepa manikura! :stars:
a srečen božič vsem parokeetkam! :rose:
Hvala enako, Lyra.
Kako ti uspeva konadikura :stars:
Tačke imam tudi jaz, skrajni čas je že, da se lotim ustvarjanja. :wink:
Lepo praznujte! :rose:
Komaj čakam na tvoje umetnije. :biggrin:
Všeč nam je! :biggrin:
Pa lepe praznike želim!
Tudi tebi želim lepe praznike jagodka.
That’s very cute!!
Thx, Camy.
I do like it, i wish i have a plate like yours… =) very nice konadicure…
I recommend this plate. It’s very useful and full of lovely patterns.