I had p2 polishes on my WL for very long time. My wish finally came true when our Lucy brought me nine p2 polishes from Germany.
No. 220 is called Hyper.
I had no problems with application, brush is nothing special, formula is not too thick or too watery. I liked the shade, even thou I’m not huge fan of gold shades. Hyper is quite sheer, so you’ll need three layers to get rid of VNL. I used only two layers + top coat.
Color is not completely on – polish is more yellow gold drowned in shimmer. As you can see this shade has frost finish, but it’s not as bad as with some of the other polishes in my collection. I decided to put Essie MAY top coat over the polish … in spite of the frost finish.
This time color came out more true. I actually like matte version more than shimmer one. I’m already planing to “konadicure” this manicure.
Staying power is good.
p2 polishes are sold primarily in Germany and I heard they can be found in couple of places in Austria.
Price for 8ml bottle is around 1,6 EUR (2.3 USD).
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
wow.. thanks..i had used p2 stylish for konading..hmmm… its nice though for a light base… :biggrin:
I haven’t tried it for Konad. I think it’s not thick enough. If it proves to be OK for Konad, I’ll write post about it … just for you. :biggrin:
i love this color.. i only have 2 p2 polish.. it was given to me…have uu tried this polish for konading? i’ll be looking forward for that post… happy polishing :nails: xoxo
I really like P2 nailpolishes I always get them when I’m in Germany. I have 6 of them in really bright colours. The colours on your blog I don’t have jet, but they seem te be new because I never seen them before. So maybay I will buy them when I’m in Germany again. Really nice blog!
I’m not the biggest Gold fan either but I love this one, there’s something in it reminding me of C-3PO. :)
Miklavž, še meni kakšnega… :silly: Drugače pa mi je zmatirana verzija dosti bolj všeč.
Meni bi se pa hudo dobr zdelo, če nas ne bi rajcala samo s slikami, ampak še z imeni odtenkov. Saj veš, da ne morem čakat. :whistle:
Kaj pravijo – potrpljenje gradi karakter? :silly:
Trenutno se seliva, tako da je bolj malo časa za obdelavo slike. Tole so odtenki, ki so na prvi fotki: 270 Scandal (bordo)
250 So cool! (turkizen), 209 Spacy (siv), 017 Elegant (sivka a prevladuje siva), 013 Stylish (magenta), 200 Rebel (modra vijola), 169 Electric (svetla vijola), 248 Rich (najtemnejši), 220 Hyper.
Sem dodala odtenke še na fotko v postu.
ja hudooooo… pa spet neki k se pr nas ne dobi bemu :devil:
Na žalost res. Jaz sem kako leto vzdihovala za njimi. :silly: