p2 Hyper + Flormar 323 + CD H3

Before I removed matte p2 Hyper from my nails, I did test konadicure on it with Fauxnad H3 plate and Flomar 323 polish.

This konadicure was named (by others, not me ) bloody nails.

p2 Hyper + Flormar 323 + H3

I randomly picked this violet Flormar shade from my “untried polishes” box since I didn’t plan on wearing this manicure for more than couple of hours. I actually kind of like this color combination – image not so much.

What do you think?

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7 thoughts on “p2 Hyper + Flormar 323 + CD H3”

  1. Uff… spremenila bi predvsem barvo odtisa. Ali pa za to barvno kombinacijo izbrala drugi vzorec. Ne vem, tvoja kombinacija mi nikakor ni všeč. Kot bi tekla kri po tvojih nohtih, kar mi v splošnem ni nič napačnega za nail art. Ampak v tem primeru mi ne izgleda cool…  Sicer pa tale Flormar očitno odlično deluje. :nails:


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