This time Maestra and I reviewed CND creme base polish Raisin In The Sun and Copper Shimmer effect.
At first none of us was really into the base + effect combination. I just guessed it’s nothing new and I simply hated “old” CND polishes with their slow drying time.
But last month Maestra and I stopped at NailSpa in Ljubljana and discovered the whole new world. We played with different bases and effect like little children play with their most loved toys.
The owner of the NailSpa was kind enough to give us Colour Raisin In The Sun and Effect – Copper Shimmer to play with at home.
My greedy hands got them first. :D
I was impressed with the creme base. Brush is made with somebody like me in mind. I just can’t remember the last time the polish was so easily transfered onto my nails. I liked the fact that Raisin In The Sun is not “just” brown polish – it has this pretty reddish undertone you can see in little bit stronger light.
I butchered one of my kitchen sponges and applied Copper Shimmer effect with it.
I did plan putting Konad over the sponge, but I loved the manicure too much to alter it in any way.
Effects are not made just from shimmers, glitter or mica. Combination of different ingredients is what gives them power to give life to creme polishes.
I’m officially hooked. One of the effects is already mine and the other is on it’s way to me. I’m already plotting which polish will I use as base and show you what kind of a difference can effects make.
And here’s what Maestra has to say …
I totally agree with everything Gejba wrote. First I didn’t care about the effects either. I mean, layering isn’t anything new to the polish world. CND just used the idea and made a whole line based on it. What’s wrong with that? I’d say nothing, especially if it’s so well thought through. I mean, the effects I tried are really amazing. By combining and using creativity, you can achieve some great transformations. Gejba already showed you hers. Here comes mine …
… first Raisin in the Sun alone …
… with the effect Copper Shimmer …
… and pictures taken in different angles …
… and for the end with some stamping using the image from the IP H22 and polish Raisin in the Sun …
What do you think about the transformations?
NailSpa decided to reward our readers with CND: Mango&Coconut 59,2ml and Black Currant&Fig 59ml lotion + Cuticle Eraser.
The pictures is symbolical.
The rules for this game are following:
you must be a follower (WordPress or Google Friend Connect);
write which two effects you think Gejba bought in comment bellow the post;
everybody has only one chance at guessing;
if you’re commenting with GFC please include your email in the comment (we’ll write something about problems with GFC commenting really soon);
whoever is the first one to correctly name both of the effect will win the prize.
I love the effect the “effect” gives to the base polish, I think it’s a very interesting concept and I find the konad Maestra did is simply stunning!
Your question is really tough this time :think: my guesses are Gejba bought Amethyst Sparkle and Emerald Shimmer…at least those are the ones I’d go for (if I could limit myself to two :haha: )
Bom ugibala kar z meni najlepšima. Mogoče Amethyst Sparkle in Crimson Sparkle? :silly:
Ojej, očitno bom mogla tudi jaz kaj naročiti, tole res lepo izgleda! :wub:
Kakšne pa so kaj cene v Supernovi? In ali lahko lakce prej tudi stestiramo, da res ugotovimo, kateri efekt nam je najbolj všeč? :w00t:
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Kje se pa dobijo tele efekti…tujina spet najbrž :roll:
Al majo to tud v kakih salonih? Kok pa kej pride drugače?
V LJ se jih dobi na manikurnem otočku v Supernovi (prvo nadstropje). Cena mislim, da je okoli 8 EUR, vendar nisem ziher.
obe manikuri sta krasni :wub:
Raspberry sparkle in Sapphire sparkle :unsure:
Sta mi pa obe manikuri krasni, in tista z gobico in z Konadom :wub:
Hmm…meni sta definitivno najbolj zanimiva efekta: Raspberry Sparkle in Cooper Pearl, zato glasujem zanju. :think:
hmm…kje je moj nick? Nati sem :)
Raspberry sparkle in Amethyst sparkle?
tole Maestrino manikuro pa mislim da sem videla v živo? noro lepo!
Crimson Sparkle in Sapphire Sparkle? :think:
I love the effect the “effect” gives to the base polish, I think it’s a very interesting concept and I find the konad Maestra did is simply stunning!
Your question is really tough this time :think: my guesses are Gejba bought Amethyst Sparkle and Emerald Shimmer…at least those are the ones I’d go for (if I could limit myself to two :haha: )
Sapphire Sparkle in Crimson Sparkle? :D
Tole bi definitivno izbrala jaz. ;)
Bom ugibala kar z meni najlepšima. Mogoče Amethyst Sparkle in Crimson Sparkle? :silly:
Ojej, očitno bom mogla tudi jaz kaj naročiti, tole res lepo izgleda! :wub:
Kakšne pa so kaj cene v Supernovi? In ali lahko lakce prej tudi stestiramo, da res ugotovimo, kateri efekt nam je najbolj všeč? :w00t:
follower peripatetic33
peripatetic33 at hot male dot com
crimson sparkle and ice blue shimmer
Raspberry Sparkle in Gold Sparkle? :ermm:
Pojma nimam ampak na slepo ugibam => Sapphire Sparkle in Scarlet Shimmer
Tale 2 se iščeta: ” Mislim, da sem uradno zasvojena – eden efekt se je že pridružil moji zbirki, drugi pa je na poti. ” :wink:
Verjetno sva izgledali tako zaljubljeni, da nama ju je podarila. :blush:
Citiram: Colour Raisin In The Sun ter Effect – Copper Shimmer, ki nama ju je lastnica otočka prijazno podarila.
Torej jih ni kupila :wub: