Swatch: Deborah – Shine Tech – 36 and Konad m70

Today, I have a swatch of a lovely polish from Deborah. It’s from the Shine Tech line and it’s called 36. It’s an eggplant based shade with lots of green shimmer. The end effect is just gorgeous. I didn’t have any application issues. There is two coats shown in the pictures below.

Swatch: Deborah - Shine Tech - 36
Deborah – Shine Tech – 36 (2 coats)

Unfortunately, my camera didn’t capture the cool green shimmer.  The best I could do is shown below …

Swatch: Deborah - Shine Tech - 36
Deborah – Shine Tech – 36 (2 coats)

Of course I had to add a little Konad. I used Konad IP m70 and Avon – Romance nail polish.

Konadicure: Deborah - Shine Tech - 36 + Konad IP m70 with Konad m70
Deborah – Shine Tech – 36 (2 coats) + Konad IP m70 with Avon – Romance

That’s it from me for today. Just a quick post about a lovely polish. I hope you liked it.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “Swatch: Deborah – Shine Tech – 36 and Konad m70”

  1. ohh yeh i love it… weeeeeeeeeeee!!! we have the same mani today!! im wearing opi black onyx stamped over with m70 (the same pattern like urs) using emotion!! and I love it…

  2. :hmm: Čudovit lakec je že sam po sebi, konad pa ga še dodatno nadgradi, :w00t:
    ker ne morem ravno reči da ga olepša :blush: skratka všeč mi je brez ali pa z  :party:

  3. Meni je zelo všeč! :wub:
    Že sam lakec mi je lep (še sreča, da zelen šimer na fotkah ni preveč opazen, ker ga ne maram :silly: ), ampak konadikura je pa za dol past lepa! :shock:  :love:

  4. Ta odtenek pa zelo lepo pride na nohtu in kljub temu da nisem ravno fan konaditure mi je ta kombinacija in vzorček zelo všeč.


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