Coming soon on Parokeets: Essence – Eclipse Trend Edition

Essence – Eclipse Trend Edition is already in the stores! Here’s what is going to be swatched and reviewed soon here on

Haul: Essence - Eclipse Trend Edition
Essence – Eclipse Trend Edition

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Coming soon on Parokeets: Essence – Eclipse Trend Edition”

  1. Lepo lepo, že komaj čakam swatche :hmm:   jaz mojo dobim ju3 :wink:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Essence: Surfer Babe Trend Edition =-.

  2. Omgish can’t wait to see your swatches of these! The collection looks good =) I wish I could get my hands on these.. I’m a fan of the Twilight series hehe.

  3. :nervous:  Neeeeeeeeeeeee! Zakaj že? Zdaj pa spet stres (hujši kot ob izpitih :P) in lov na celo kolekcijo ….  :shock:

  4. foušššššššššššš :wub: niti surfer babe še nism dočakala,kaj šele to..uhhh..te essencove l.e. so pravo mučenje

  5. mene pa res čisto nič ne pritegne (ok, sej vem da ko bom videla swatche, bom mnenje spremenila), razen rdeč gloss je lep

  6. Zmeraj v pravem Müllerju ob pravem času. :biggrin:
    Mene pa iz Eclipse celo nič ne mika, no bom raj tiho, dokler vaših swatchev ne vidim. :zip:


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