Swatch and review: Isa Dora – Graffiti Nails – Yellow Crew (crackle polish)

Isa Dora came out with a fantastic range of polishes. They named them Graffiti Nails, but we polish fanatics know them as crackle polish. I hope and wish these aren’t going to be only a limited edition polishes, because these are fantastic crackle polishes. I’m really impresed by how they crack, how fast they dry and how easy they are to remove. For me everything about them (except the price) is just great!

I bought two of them Subway Green and Yellow Crew. I’ll show you the yellow one today.

I started with two coats of dark shimmer green MNY – 761.

Swatch: MNY - 761
MNY – 761 (2 coats)

After the polish was dry I applied one coat of the yellow crackle polish Yellow Crew. After a few seconds the crack began to show. Amazing!

Swatch: Isa Dora - Graffiti Nails: Yellow Crew over MNY - 761
Isa Dora – Graffiti Nails: Yellow Crew over MNY – 761
Swatch: Isa Dora - Graffiti Nails: Yellow Crew over MNY - 761
Isa Dora – Graffiti Nails: Yellow Crew over MNY – 761

Top coat is only my pointer finger.

A few tips and tricks about the Isa Dora crack polishes. I figured out that the cracks are more random if you don’t apply the crack polish only with straight strokes. You can zig-zag a bit. That way you’ll get more zig-zag cracks. When applying crack polish don’t mind the streaky application. It’ll become unimportant when it’ll start to crack. Also don’t apply too thick coats, because the polish will have difficulties to crack.

I bought the polish in Austria in the Douglas store. The price was 8,90€ for 6ml. I think the price is too high, but unfortunately that’s how it is here in EU. Isa Dora polishes are all that expensive, that’s why I don’t have any, but this cracks were just too special … I had to have them.

What do you think about crack polishes?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Swatch and review: Isa Dora – Graffiti Nails – Yellow Crew (crackle polish)”

  1. in germany you soon (starting in september) will be able to get crackle polishes for only 1,75€ from p2 :) but only black and grey/silver.

  2. And i thought they were expensive in their home country sweden :o thats wayyy to much, i think mine cost 6 euros or so :o each!

  3. Ček, jesam dobro skužila, prvi naneseš bazni lak, a kad se on posuši onda ovaj žuti i  on sam tako ispuca? Ako je tak onda wauuuu!!! Predobro!

  4. o.O Prvič vidim in slišim za crack lake. Ampak, marička, mi je všeč!!! Tale rumeno črn je fantastična manikura, pa nisem ljubiteljica rumene na nohtih! In sreča je hotela, da gre kolegica na Dunaj … Samo malo, grem ulovit denarnico, mislim, da sem jo slišala zlezti iz torbice, narediti vrv iz posteljnine in bežat skozi okno, gotovo je videla ceno enega laka … *nekaj minut kasneje* Lepo lepo prosim še za Subway green swatch! Kateri odtenki pa še obstajajo? :)

  5. I love them and bought quite a few I couldn’t help myself :scared: (my wallet is still recovering :P )
    oh- P2 is coming out with two crackle polishes too- in black& grey :happy:


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