Slovenian H&Ms got mini individual polishes. I bought 2: Grey Sky and Blue Sky.
Grey Sky was first one I tried out … and fell in love. What’s not to love in a gray based polish with violet undertone and little bit of shimmer?

I immediately put the polish in two categories: elegant shade and good base for konadicures. :D
Of course I had to try out if it’s really good base for konading. I used China Glaze Sci-Fi + A05 fauxnad plate:

You can see here how lavender undertone almost vanishes in the lightbox.

Price for 3.2ml (0,1 fl. oz.) is 0,95 EUR (1,2 USD).
I already see I’ll need backup of this shade – it will definitively be getting a lot of show time while in my care.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Ta se mi zdi precej podoben Catrice – From dusk to dawn :nails:
mene v živo ni prepričal..pol pa vidim te fotke…yeah, baby :yes:
Mislim, da se bom odpravila danes v mesto…
…le zakaj? Zakaj mi vedno to delate :angry:
Lep sprehod ti želim. :biggrin:
Jaz bi tudi imela kakšen H&M lakec, pa ga nikoli ne vidim v nobenem H&Mu. ne vem, ali jih le spregledam, ali hodim samo v tiste, ki ne ponujajo lakcev? :undecided:
upam, da bom naslednjič imela srečo.
Na Čopovi so. Mislim pa, da so punce poročale, da jih imajo tudi drugi ljubljanski H&Mi. :yes:
I bought it today also! The same colors :D So cutie :D
And I tagged you :D
Great minds think alike. :silly:
Thx for the tag. :rose:
Okay, I need this, that’s all :biggrin:
Jup – you need it. :biggrin:
Do you know when are you going to get that collection at your country? :silly:
I saw gray, blue, purple and bright pink(?).
Application is OK. Nothing special about it. I forgot to add that I used two coats. :nails:
Yay for H&M finally getting polishes!!! This looks great on you! Are there many colors to choose from? How’s the application? I have a few of their (full size) creme polishes and I find them very thick.
hey, I didn’t know where to ask, but if you can, could you swatch the Essence le “We saw it first” lip glosses? :whistle:
We still didn’t get that TE in Slovenia. :think: