Today I have a fun look to share with you. I named it Rockin’ Egyptian look. The name was inspired by one of the eyeshadows I used and because there is a lot of gold and black involved in this look.
Products used to create the look:
- The She Space – Rockin’ Egyptian (applied wet all over the lid)
- Sweetscents – Monarch (applied dry over Rockin’ Egyptian)
- Sweetscents – Flat Gold (liner under the lower lash line)
- Sweetscents – Tangerine (crease)
- Sweetscents – Flame (crease)
- Sweetscents – Forever (crease)
- Essence – Black Mania Carbon Black liquid eyeliner (amazing eyeliner, love the applicator)
- Max Factor – Masterpiece mascara
And the matching konadicure …
Products used for the manicure:
- Pro Nails – No. 81 black (2 coats)
- China Glaze – Hi-Tek (stamping)
- IP T29 and H23
I’ve had a great time creating the look. Hope you like it!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Ostala sem brez besed. Čudovito! :drop:
Hvala punce za same lepe komentarje! :rose:
Thank you ladies for all your kind words! :rose:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Swatch and review- Isa Dora – Graffiti Nails – Yellow Crew crackle polish =-.
Zakaj na tvojih očkah vse barve pridejo tako čudovito?
A to zato, ker imaš tako lepe oči ali zato ker delaš tako prfektne MU-je?
(btw sem ti rekla, da je mucek na eni od plat :haha: :haha: )
Hehehe … hvala za komplinent! Kaj naj odgovorim? Ali je bilo retorično vprašanje? LOL Verejtno je še najboljši odgovor, da mi včasih uspe narediti OK MU in dobro skombinirati barve k očem. :)
A to mucko si mislila??? Ja, tale je prava facka in čudovita je! Imam še ene par drugih muck na svojih platah …
Fuuuul je lepo, se prav ne morem odločiti kaj mi je lepše =) :silly:
Awesome eye makeup!!! <3
What an incredible eye. I love the fine lines you used to give it that egyptian twist. Gorgeous. And the nails are awesome too!
Wow, it’s gorgeous !
I like the konadicure, cute :wub:
The kitty stamp is so cute! I was thinking about doing a cat fauxnadicure today. (I’m not sure if my dog will agree though;))
I canot decide if I prefer eyes or nails. Both is beautiful.
Res krasen MU :wub: in super manikura!
Wow, that’s really awesome! And I love the konadicure, haha.
How beautiful!! Eyes and nails!
oooo kako lep MU :)….pa manikura….perfect :) ….bo treba ta eyeliner kupit….:)
Noro dobro!!! :w00t: Tako MU kot manikura… :stars:
.-= Tassa´s last post … KOTD- Re-Fresh Mint Gold Konad =-.
Krasen MU! :wink:
Hudo. :w00t: :drop:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Swatch and Review- Illamasqua Powdered Metal – Thalia =-.