China Glaze Atlantis

Happy New Year! I hope all your wishes come true … including your cosmetics wish lists.

I chose China Glaze Atlantis for my New Year’s Eve manicure  – holographic glitter suspended in green base. I used 3 coats to achieve full coverage. Unfortunately I’m still searching for magic word to make my camera capture the sparkle of this polish, so please imagine bling-bling-bling effect.

China Glaze Atlantis swatch
China Glaze Atlantis: 3 layers

I “inherited” this beauty a while ago from our Goga, but there was never right time for it. This time it practically jumped in my lap while I was searching for really sparkly shade. :D Thx, Gogi.

A few more days and our blog will be celebrating it’s second birthday.
I know I can’t wait for BDay giveaway to begin  … and I hope you’re looking forward to it too. 

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “China Glaze Atlantis”

  1. Love your nail polish color!..very glittery..I love it..

    Thank you so much for following my blog..I follow you back..Nice blog you have here.. :wink:

  2. Ohja, Atlantis, ljubezen moja. :wub: Fotka mu resnično dela krivico, a tudi sama imam težave s fotkanjem glitrov v lightboxu. :pic:
    Sicer pa krasen lak za silvestrovanje! :nails:

  3. Fantastičen je! Zaenkrat sem ga nosila samo kot layering, zdaj pa vidim, da ga moram tudi kot samostojno manikuro probat. :yes: Zelo lepo! :wub:


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