I wanted to play with bright and crazy colors today. The only good quality bright colored eyeshadows in my make-up collection are by Illamasqua and Inglot. And I only own two powder eyeshadows by Illamasqua. My first was the gorgeous matte red called Daemon (red eyeshadow in the second photo below) and the second one I bought while I was in the States. It’s a gorgeous matte deep royal blue shade called Sadist (shown in the photo below). Both eyeshadows are amazingly pigmented and a dream to apply. And the names are just insane.

I haven’t tried Sadist until today. I’ve waited for a special occasion or for a special inspiration. Today an inspiration hit me and Sadistic Daemon was born.

To create the look I’ve used several Inglot’s eyeshadows and the above mentioned Illamasqua’s eyeshadows. The fake eyelashes are by Inglot. The rhinestones are by Catrice (from one of their previous LE). On my lips I used OCC Lip Tar in Harlot and Illamasqua’s lipstick in Sangers.
As mentioned before I love both eyeshadows by Illamasqua. The colors are intense and the application is easy. The only downside that I’ve experienced with them today was, that the colors faded quite quickly on the eyelids. I don’t know if that’s due to the eyeshadow base that I’ve used (NYX jumbo pencil in Cottage Cheese) or is that a common problem with Illamasqua’s eyeshadows. I haven’t noticed that before, but I really don’t use their eyeshadows on a daily basis. Mainly because I only have two and both are quite unusual colors. Did anyone else experience the same problem with Illamasqua’s eyeshdows?
Let me know in the comments what do you think about my today’s sort of artistic (I’m in no way an artist nor I think I am ) make-up!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Zadnji dve sliki :wub: :bow:
Oh wow!!! That’ss amazing! Thanks very much for following, delighted about that :D! Off I go to have a browse through your fab blog! Ta-ta for now! xoxo
Thanks for all the lovely comments!!! :rose: :rose: :rose:
Those eyelashes are just what this MU needed. Love the look, photos … :stars:
The makeup is stunning, and I love your photography technique too!
I really enjoy these bold editorial type looks :)
So cool! I love playing with bright colors.
Love the lashes!
The photos truly show off not only the makeup and how it works but also, your amazing talent as a photographer.
What an awesome look! Love the red eyelashes! And great names from Illamasqua, too – someone over there is an Anne Bishop fan! (She’s a fantasy author, and Daemon/The Sadist is a main character in her Black Jewels trilogy.) ♥ :devil:
I’ve never heard of Anne Bishop before. Thanks for the info, Sarah! :rose:
Pretty! I think it is artistic :yes:
it looks amazing :D
*dreamy sigh* Tole je fantasično. Spet se ponavljam, ampak je res. Noro dober make up. Slika s profila je popolna. Kaj naj rečem, svaka čast za tvoje umetnije, zame so res make up art!
Enkratno :w00t: !
Sama Illamasqinih senčil nimam mi je pa kolegica že parkrat potožila da so nekatera od njih niso ravno najbolj obstojna…
Me veseli, da ti je všeč. :w00t:
A res? Škoda, če res niso obstojna. :( Meni sicer ni žal, da sem ju kupila (in z veseljem bi/bom še kakšno). Kupim jih predvsem zaradi nenavadnih odtenkov, ki jih imam potem za takšne posebne make up-e.
fantastično :stars:
samo ja tu ne vidim ni demona a kamoli sadističkog :wink:
trepavice su mi ge-ni-jal-ne!!! :thumb:
Hvala! :rose:
Ni ja ne vidim sadističkog demona (osim možda boje). :blush: Bila je to igra riječi – sjenili Sadist i Daemon.