Review and swatches: Essence Ballerina Backstage TE

First Essence trend edition for the month of July is finally here. I bought all eye soufflés, nail polishes and blush soufflé in Ballerina Backstage TE.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by Essence Dance The Swan Lake nail polish. I’m usually not huge fan of white shades (especially not those with visible nail line), but this one I actually liked … is summer heat getting to me?  :D Application is not piece of cake, but if you use thicker layers 2 should be enough. I messed up and used to thin first layer, so I needed 3 coats. Pinkish shimmer is not really visible that much, but it ads something special to this shade.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Dance The Swan Lake swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Dance The Swan Lake

Wear Your Little Tutu is cute light pink shade with very similar shimmer as used in Dance The Swan Lake polish. Unfortunately this shade does nothing to accentuate my skin tone, so I won’t be wearing it much. But it is perfect for those looking for neutral shade. Applied much like Dance The Swan Lake. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Wear Your Little Tutu swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Wear Your Little Tutu

On Your Gracile Tiptoe is very lively summer shade. Polish is lovely orange-coral creme shade which applies beautifully (at least mine did, some had problems with theirs). Shade looks little less orange it real life. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - On Your Gracile Tiptoe swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – On Your Gracile Tiptoe

Do A Floating Pirouette is a little bit too cool mix of pink and violet for me. It is pretty shade, but it doesn’t look so hot on me. Formula is a little bit strange – cross between jelly and creme finish. But 2 layers are enough for even application.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Do A Floating Pirouette swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Do A Floating Pirouette

The polish I was most looking forward from Ballerina Backstage collection is Grand-plié In Black. And it didn’t disappoint me – deep black base loaded with copper glitter. They could have added more glitter, but it looks lovely anyway. 2 layers + top coat.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Grand-plie In Black swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Grand-plie In Black

Now onto the products I was really looking forward to – soufflés. First of I swatched all three creamy eyeshadows on my hand: Dance The Swan Lake, Pas Des Copper and Grand-plié In Black and Prima Ballerina creamy blush.

My first impressions:

  • Dance The Swan Lake: opaque matte light beige eyeshadow;
  • Pas Des Copper: gorgeous copperish shimmery shade;
  • Grand-plié In Black: glycerin like patchy sheer formula that is suppose to be black + it stains skin.
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Dance The Swan Lake, Pas Des Copper, Grand-plie In Black eye souffle swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Dance The Swan Lake, Pas Des Copper, Grand-plie In Black eye souffle (sun)
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Dance The Swan Lake, Pas Des Copper, Grand-plie In Black eye souffle swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Dance The Swan Lake, Pas Des Copper, Grand-plie In Black eye souffle (shade)

Then I tested it on my eyelids. By themselves eye soufflés don’t last long on my oily eyelids. If I set them with eyeshadow (I used Inglot 406 pearl), make up lasted for 4-6 hours before partially ending in the crease. The longest lasting was make up with Dance The Swan Lake as a base. But you get the least of “wow” effect with this very opaque beige shade (which leans a little bit to the pinkish side on my skin).

Pas Des Copper acts as perfect base for eyeshadows – they stick to it like a glue but are still easy enough to blend. I can’t use it close to my tear duct as it irritates my eyes.

Grand-plie In Black eye soufflé looked really weird while applying – like I was applying something slimy with hint of black color. Texture reminded me of old black shoe polishes. But when you layer the eyeshadow over it … I couldn’t believe it how perfectly eye soufflé grabbed eye shadow + blending it was so easy. Downside is that it won’t stay in place as long as other two on oily eyelids without some kind of base under it and it irritated my eyes.

Inglot 406P over Essence Ballerina Backstage LE eye souffles swatch
Inglot 406P over Essence Ballerina Backstage LE eye souffles

Prima Ballerina blush soufflé is soft dirty pink cream blush with glycerin feel to it. I like the color and fine shimmer but not the formula. Staying power is not so great is you don’t set it with some kind of powder and even then it’s not stellar. Few hours at most on my oily skin.

Essence Ballerina Backstage LE - Prima-Ballerina creamy blush swatch
Essence Ballerina Backstage LE – Prima-Ballerina blush souffle


  • 10 ml (0,33 fl.oz.) nail polish: 1.75 EUR (2.5 USD);
  • 2,8g (0,09 oz.) eye soufflé: 2.25 EUR ( 3.2 USD);
  • 6,1g (0,21 oz.) blush soufflé: 2.75 EUR (4 USD).

What is your favorite from Essence Ballerina Backstage TE?

Dance The Swan Lake

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

28 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essence Ballerina Backstage TE”

  1. Uf, od lakcev mi je všeč edino Grand-plié In Black, tako da je tudi edini, ki sem ga kupila. Mogoče si kdaj kasneje privoščim še katerega drugega, če jih bo še kaj ostalo na policah. Od souflejev imam Pas Des Copper in Grand-plié In Black, prvi mi je čudovit, drugega sem pa šele danes kupila, tako da ga še nisem sprobala. Je pa na moji wish listi še trakec za lase :whistle:

  2. Luštna kolekcija! Od lakov mi je najbolj všeč Grand-Plie in Black, kateri se mi je zdel edini dovolj poseben, da sem ga kupila. Blush se mi je zdel presvetel zame. Kremnih senčila pa zaenkrat še nisem kupila. Se še odločam …

  3. jep, meni je ta kolekcija ena od taboljših. že predvčerajšnjim sem bila v dm-u in naletela na polno stojalo z vsemi izdelki. kupila pa le črn lak z bleščicami, bel lak in oranžen lak, potem rdečilo za lica in črno ter belo senčko.

    bilo mi je skoraj žal ker tretje senčke nisme kupila pa za druga dva laka tudi, ampka sem sedaj po slikah (stestirala sem nmreč le črn lak, rdečilo in črno senčilo) ugotovila da sem itak vzela najlepše odtenke in reči.

    za rjavo senčko mi ni žal, ker mam enao doma v kamnu, tudi od essence. lila lak mi ni pretirano lep, roza pa tudi že imam tri podobne odtenke. vidim pa da zelo lepo zgleda bel lak in komaj čakam, da ga poskusim.

    aja pa v dm-u sem naletela tudi na polno stojalo z uno drugo koekcijo nails in style, prav tako polno. a mi ni nič pterirano všeč. sedaj čakam na tretjo.


    • Super, da si zadovoljna z nakupom. :thumb:
      V DMu so bili res zelo pridni in so hitro razvozili obe kolekciji do prodajaln. :happy:

  4. Zelo lepa kolekcija, sem dobila Wear Your Little Tutu in rdečilo, za senčke pa se še odločam do jutri. :happy: Je pa cena blusha v DM 3,29€, verjetno je bil 2,75€ v Müllerju? :shock:

    • In? Je padla kakšna senčka? :cute:
      DMi imajo vedno malo dražje izdelke … in to ne le pri nas, v Avstriji in Nemčiji je enako.

  5. I bought only the coral lip gloss, I wanted the coral nail polish, but I already have Golden Rose beautiful coral nail polish so I didn’t buy it.

  6. Love the with and pink on you. I love the black polish unfortunately we don’t have essence over here :wub:

  7. I have to buy only one product (that’s my rule – one product from each LE collection) and I can’t decide which one. Damn. :D I think I might go with Grand-plie In Black :)


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