… right into the bathroom.
It is not a nice surprise. This morning our cat brought a sparrow into the bathroom. Luckily that poor little birdie was still alive and escaped right from the cat’s mouth. Yay! It hid in the dustiest corner of our bathroom (photo above). I grabbed the cat and carried him outside. Then I looked for the little bird who was still hiding in that same corner. I took a few photos of it and then I carefully took it in my hands. Poor little guy was shaking. I didn’t know what to do, so I put it in a big box, gave some water and breadcrumbs in the box and now I’m hoping that little sparrow will survive! Please hope and/or pray for that little birdie with me!!!
edit: Bird flew out of the box into the sky! Yay!!!
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How great the bird survived :love:
tudi nam se je to zgodilo :( nažalost nam je prof od biologije rekla naj mu damo mleko s keksi in seveda se napihnil in umrl :(
baje mačke to delajo, ker vidijo da ti ne loviš in ti hočejo pokazat kako se dela! :P
:bow: Youpi bravo a toi je suis une amie des animaux gros bisous
My cat used to do that. She wanted to prove that she was a good hunter. I put a bell on my cat so that it would scare away the birds.
Relieved to read that the birdie is fine!
Lucky bird he survived!
poor birdy :(
nadam se da tvoj vrapčić bude dobro :thumb:
i moj mačak to radi… onda se naganjamo po kući dok mu pokušavam oteti ptića :nervous:
na skakavce i gušterice sam se već naučila :cool:
Oooo! Bogi ptiček! Upam, da mu bo uspelo!
aww the poor thing
Hi!! This is my first time to leave a comment, hehehe;p I’m so relieved when I read that little birdie is fine:D Thank you for really cute photos!! …and nice to meet you<3
Poor little guy :(. I hope for the best :)
Aw, poor thing! I hope the bird will be ok :)
He’s really lucky!!
Poor thing!
I hope he’ll be fine!
Little birdie just flew out of the box into the sky! Thanks for all your hopes, prayers and comments/suggestions!
uff, that’s great :)
Kar spusti ga (če sploh lahko leti). Bo še najbolje zanj. V ujetništvu ga lahko še kap. ;)
Pred par minutami sem naredila točno to. Odnesla sem škatlo ven in jo odprla, da vidim, ali ga bo zanimalo (ker noter je bil čisto pri miru) in je odletel, koliko so ga nesle peruti. Visoko in daleč! Jeeej! Upam, da je našel svoje prijatelje in bo še dolgo žrgolel!
Hvala za tvoj komentar in nasvet, nihrida! :rose:
Is he hurt? :(
I’m not sure. There’s no blood, but there’s no feathers on his belly, so I have to assume he’s hurt. :( If I’m honest I don’t have a lot of hope, because he might have internal injuries. :( We’ll see. For now, he’s still alive.
Hope he’ll be all right… Maybe you should give him some ‘duvet’ – old t-shirt or something?
I’ll do that. Thank you for your suggestion. I gave already some grass and seeds in the box, so it’s not just an empty box.
The bird flew out of the box into the sky! Yay!
Srčkan ptiček. Imel je velik srečo da je preživel :yes:
Zaenkrat je imel res srečo, čeprav lahko pa ima notranje poškodbe … :hmm:
kako je slatka! moraš maci oprostiti, samo su je nagoni vukli!
Znam ja to. Nagon i mačke. :hmm:
I hope the bird is going to be okay! Good luck taking care of it. I wish you both the best.
Uff Poli malo si zasekiral našo Maestro. Držim pesti za ptička, da bo vse OK.
Polija bo pa treba malo okregati
Polija je gnal nagon k temu. Nimam kaj. Samo upam lahko, da sem morda enega ptička rešila. Bomo videli, kako bo z malčkom.