I really wanted to have all the polishes from p2 Deep Water Love LE … cute bottles, pretty colors …
A friend of mine managed to get 3 out of 4 polishes for me. Unfortunately green one was sold out.
![p2 Deep Water Love LE nail polishes p2 Deep Water Love LE nail polishes](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/p2_Deep-Water-Love_LE_nail_polishes_parokeets.jpg)
Blue Horizon is very pretty blue shade with slightly purple duochrome effect and almost turquoise like shimmer … macro shot shows almost flakie like shimmer. Downside – sheer formula. I used 3 coats + top coat.
![p2 Deep Water Love LE - Blue Horizon p2 Deep Water Love LE - Blue Horizon swatch by Parokeets](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/p2_Deep-Water-Love_LE_Blue-Horizon_parokeets.jpg)
Rosy Coral is another polish with sheer formula (this one also has streaky application) and pretty color. The name for this polish is dead on – rosy coral (more coral looking in real life). 3 layers + top coat.
![p2 Deep Water Love LE Rosy Coral p2 Deep Water Love LE Rosy Coral swatch by Parokeets](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/p2_Deep-Water-Love_LE_Rosy-Coral_parokeets.jpg)
Purple Sky can on other hand be one coater (is you use thicker layer) despite slightly jellish formula. I love this deep purple shade. 2 coats + top coat.
![p2 Deep Water Love LE - Purple Sky p2 Deep Water Love LE - Purple Sky swatch by Parokeets](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/p2_Deep-Water-Love_LE_Purple_Sky_parokeets.jpg)
I must say that even-thou I love this kind of bottle design it’s not very practical. They’re just to narrow and elongated so the likelihood of spillage increases … a lot. But if you’re one of those that hold bottle between your fingers wile painting the nails – the you’ll probably love this design.
Price for 7ml bottle is 2,25 EUR.
Does anybody have green shade from Deep Water Love LE? Is it as sheer as the blue one?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
The green nail polish is very sheer. You need at least 2 or 3 coats.
Purple sky :wub:
krasne boje :thumb:
šta kažete na peticiju dm-u da i nama daju p2 lakiće :angel:
Mislim da je p2 ekskluzivno za Njemačku. :hmm:
I love these colors :) Have the green one on my nails right now, dries really slow :( I layered over a light P2 blue because it’s so sheer but it’s really an unique color.
kad vidim ove slike stvarno mrzim sto nema p2 u nasim dmovima :angry: , plavi i koraljni su divni :yes:
O, vse tri barve so čudovite :love: škoda da se teh lakov ne dobi v Sloveniji :hmm:
this blue have amazing colour :w00t:
beautiful colors! i wish this brand was sond in the netherlands..
Slovenian polishholics have the same wish. :biggrin:
wow! all the 3 colors are just beautiful esp. the blue one…. just adorable!
I love the colors too. To bad that they don’t all have the same formula as Purple Sky.
I was going to advise to layer Blue Horizon and Rosy Coral over black or dark colours as Silva said :)
I’m thinking that Rosy Coral would look good over creme pink/peach shade. I’ll have to try it out. I try to avoid black as “pop out” base, as it can look pretty harsh. I use dark green/blue instead …
I have Blue Horizon too, it’s absolutely amazing over black. I wish I’d gotten the purple one, too!
I like it more over dark blue base, but it’s better for layering than on it’s own. :yes:
Ja imam Blue horizon i purple sky,ova druga dva nisam uspjela uhvatiti :(
Vidim da je i tebi trebalo 3 coata za plavi,to je jedino što mi smeta kod njega osim što se dugo suši,čak i uz quick dry TC,inače mi je predivan,a ljubičasti sam već swatchala,isto je prekrasan :love: Šteta što nema i kod nas P2 lakova,umjesto s-he koji nisu toliko kvalitetni…
I Slovenke bi odmah zamijenile s-he sa p2. :angel:
I’ve got the green one and it’s very sheer, too. And unfortunately it isn’t really green – it’s more turquoise with a hint of green. But the blue part dominates. Here’s a picture: (Because of the blue part I named it wrong :stars: It’s Green Lagoon!)
I don’t like this sheer formular, because it takes a long time to dry.
But anyhow I like the colors.
Thx for photo. :rose:
It looks lovely but not something I absolutely need to have. :biggrin: