Inspirational look: Doll’s Face

Ever since I got the bottom lashes by KKcenterHK was I wondering, what am I going to do with them. Bottom lashes always remind me of dolls. So, I thought creating a doll’s face would be a good idea. Let’s see, if I was right. Here are the photos of my vision of a doll’s face. It’s not a traditional doll’s face. It’s a mixture of a face of an innocent and nice girl and a face of a girl who is hiding something, who’s up to something, who’s maybe even psycho … Enjoy the photos.

Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra

… and a huge eye.

Inspirational make up: Doll's Face by Maestra
Inspirational make up: Doll’s Face by Maestra

Hope you liked it!

p.s. I’ll write a little bit more about the bottom lashes in my next post. The amazing upper lashes are by Inglot. I LOVE them!!!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Inspirational look: Doll’s Face”

  1. Zadnja slika učka s trepalnicami me asociira na lik ‘labodje vile’ v enem od animiranih filmov :).
    Nore trepalnice ampak so mi zelo všeč.

  2. Ta zgornje trepalnice so BOŽANSKE! Sem mnenja, da če si že lepim umetne trepalnice na oko, potem morajo biti “ornk” vidne. :D Take odštekane imam najraje. :yes:

    • A res? :biggrin: Očitno mora res biti na tem, da imam neke poteze podobne Gagi. :think: Verjetno res dolg obraz in dolg nos. :think:
      Sicer pa hvala! Vsekakor vzamem kot kompliment. :yes:

      • sej je bil kompliment :wub: (pa drgac si 10000x lepša od nje, sam na tej fotki sm takoj dobila asocijacijo nanjo) :wink:

  3. FANTASTIČNO!!!! Kakšna lutka. Zelo sem uživla ob gledanju fotografij. Trepalnice so pa ful hude – res kot je Gejba napisala totalno odštekane.

    • Thank you! They indeed look similar, but the position of the feathers with the Inglot ones is a bit different and it seems that the feathers on Elise lashes are a bit denser. I guess there’s a lot of brands that have this types of lashes. I just have the Inglot ones and I love them.


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