As soon as I spotted LCN Magnetic polishes I knew I wanted all of them. But when I saw how much they cost, I really considered skipping the entire collection. I mean around ~ 10 USD (which usually translates into 10 EUR) for a 8 ml polish + 20 USD just for one magnet … and I wanted both magnets available.
Fortunately I was able to buy them from our importer so the cost was little bit more bearable – 5,6 EUR (8 USD) for polish and 11,3 EUR (16 USD) for a magnet. Unfortunately they were out of diagonal design magnet, so I got only star design one.
In the end I did buy all eight of LCN Magnetic polishes.
I played around with different position of the magnet, distance from the nail … so not all the swatches are perfect. Photos were made while on vacation so they’re a little bit more lax. :D
Iron Magic:
Amazing Mauve:
Fuschia Attraction:
Copper Seduction:
Ferromagnetic Blue:
Green Temptation:
Magnetic Moments:
Nude Charm:
Guess which one is my favorite?
And in case you’re wondering – yes, the magnet looks exactly like Alessandro Go Magic! Twist one.
Before I managed to publish this post our importer got new stock of diagonal magnets, so I did nail wheel swatches with that magnet.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
woww loved the golden one:))
Rdeč lak mi je zanimiv, pa zvezdica magnet tudi.
Wow I love these colors and the star magnet too, I really like Copper seduction but also the blue and purple ones <3
They are absolutely identical to the ones from LM Cosmetic (except that LM Cosmetic ones are cheaper!) The magnets are also identical!
I have lot of them and find they are hard to work :(
ajme kako su dobri :stars:
green temptation i ferromagnetic blue bih zgrabila isti tren… super je ovaj star magnet :thumb:
Lahko vprašam, se da dobiti pri uvozniku takole javno, da daš kontakt kar na blog, ali je to vaš dogovor? Ker bi nekaj teh odtenkov res rada imela, pa še diagonalen magnetek, ampak so tudi meni čisto preabsurdne “redne” cene. Še Alessandro ni bil tako drag, marička! Joj, za zelenkota pa reeeeeeeeeeeeees upam, da ga zadanem! :wub:
Čisto normalno trgovino imajo. Glede na to, da niso izrazile želje po tem, da se link doda v post, ga nisem vključila … ne vem kakšne dogovore imajo oni s proizvajalcem itd. Se pa podjetje imenuje ticcopi, striček Google ti bo pa povedal ostale informacije. :wink:
P.S. Delovni čas je od 8h do 16h. :whistle:
Lovely colors
Any favorites? :silly:
Really Awsome! :)
Isn’t it! :nails:
You know, I’m jealous that these turned well on you. I had a very hard time with these. I think it’s because my nail beds are so small.
I got the starter set…and while I like the idea, it just didn’t do well on me. :(
I took a look at you mani and I think the main problem is that you didn’t hold magnet close enough. I tried it on super short nails and it worked – but I had to keep it really, really close … like only couple of millimeters from the nail bed.
I held it super close, but I do think the size of my nail beds were/are the problem. I actually held it so close a couple of times I ended up touching the magnet to the polish. Ooops. Haha.
I used it on my friend and it looked great on her. Was able to get it right the first 2 fingers. :( Good for her, bad for me!
Wow, they looks so great! Green Temptation and Iron Magic look so pretty to me :) Would love to have those colors! :)
I think Copper Seduction is my second favorite. :cute:
Green Temptation is beautiful, but yeah, it’s a look, don’t buy situation on this end. :)
You’ve got stronger will than I do. :silly:
So awesome!
Aren’t they cool? :w00t:
Wow they are so great!!
But a little pricy )=
I really wouldn’t mind if they were cheaper. :hmm:
Vidim da si se zabavala :). Meni najbolj v oči pade Green temptation.
A je tako očitno? :biggrin: