Interesting things you can read in magazines

I usually try to understand all the perspectives and try hard to curb my critique nature (I got way to much of that in my DNA code ), but I have to comment on the article I read yesterday.

Magazines are not something I buy or read, but there is one Slovenian magazine that my mom buys regularly and I skip through it when I’m visiting my parents. I usually find at least one article I like and save in my scrapbook. But this time they really blew it.

They wrote article about nail polishes that is filled with inaccuracies. Let’s take a look at few that turned my face in something like this    .

  • OPI polishes do not contain parabens and are completely natural (Zoya is also natural for the author of this article): how many of your polishes contain preservatives of any kind? I would love to know what are they made of and where in nature can I find ingredients for nail polishes.
  • Professional ORLY polishes do not contain formaldehyde, toluene and DBP so they are healthy and do not damage you nails: sure, they clear your sinuses.
  • Essence magnet costs 9,90, magnetic polish 6 EUR: does Essence even have anything that costs more than 5 EUR in their range?
  • add few drops of acetone to the old polish, shake it and store it in the fridge: if you want to ruin you nail polish, do as they say. 

And my favorite one that made me laugh for really long time:

  • polish twice with two different polishes, and then scrape off the top layer as you wish: guess which polishes is author talking about. :D

I’m feeling really lousy today and have to rest, so please share with me other “interesting” things you lately read in the magazine.

Source: Lisa, no. 26, page 15-16.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

30 thoughts on “Interesting things you can read in magazines”

  1. Hahaha, tole je pa tudi mene zelo nasmejalo =) :haha: . Laki za nohte so 100% naravni. Če je tako, pa najbolje, da kar rožice zalivamo z njimi, me zanima kako dolgo bodo živele :stars:

  2. Uf, včasih tudi jaz preberem kaj “zanimivega” v kakšni reviji in se potem sprašujem, kje jim uspe najti takšne “strokovnjake” o lakih za nohte. Ampak takih cvetk pa še ne! :biggrin:
    No ja, se mi pa poraja vprašanje, koliko nasvetov iz ostalih tem je ravno tako napisano kar tako, “samo da nekaj je”. :think:

  3. ojojoj… lol :) še jaz, ki sem bolj začetnik glede lakov za nohte, ne bi mogla takšnih natrosit …
    moram pa še povedat, da sem veliko informacij našla ravno pri vas, Parokeetke (+ na forumu Ars Cosmetica). vse pohvale, punce!

  4. Ja, je smešno, česa vsega ne napišejo, a jaz sem vseeno jezna. Da najdeš kaj takega v tiskanem mediju, je enostavno žalostno in nepojmljivo!!! Upam, da bo avtor tega članka in/ali urednik revije prebral ta prispevek in se zamislil!!!
    It is horrible that one can read such nonsense and inaccurate information in an magazine!!! I’m shocked and mad at the authors and the editor of that magazine!

  5. Haha, to številko sem tudi jaz brala v službi xD Se spomnem, da sem se tudi jaz čudila tem cvetkam in si mislila svoje :think:
    To z acetonom je top xD

  6. I guess thats the best: “polish twice with two different polishes, and then scrape off the top layer as you wish”
    You have very “interesting” magazines in Slovenia, I must say :D

  7. Ravno zaradi takih bedarij, ki jih pišejo se večini revij raje izognem…ker gre za resno poneumljanje, recimo da me 1x na leto premami, da si kupim kakšno revijo… in potem je smeha ob neumnostih …kar pike dobim ob raznih nasvetih kako v 10 korakih bla bla bla… :stars:

    samo tole o lakih za nohte je pa morala pisat res ena resna nepoznavalka, ker to so pa taki osnovni kiksi…recimo tista z acetonom v strjen lak …tudi tista s crackle lakom je dobra…zakaj bi potem sploh potreboval kakšen poseben lak, če ga kar mal postrgaš dol… najbolš, da s kakšnimi fino ostrim predmetom, da še mal noht pofentaš…. :haha:

  8. Hahaha. Ta pa je dobra.
    Nisem vedela, da laki za nohte spadajo pod “naravno kozmetio” :haha:
    Kako lahko kdo tolk zgreši!
    No mogoče pa je članek pisal kakšen moški ki nima pojma o teh zadevah :haha:

  9. :biggrin: Moram reči, da je ideja za crackle zelo ‘inovativna’.
    Od revij samo kakšno torkovo Ono prelistam (dobim jo skupaj s časnikom) tam pa še nisem zasledila kakšnega takega hudega kiksa – drugače pa več ali manj vse inf dobim z interneta. Ko smo že pri internetu – tudi za avtorja teh nesmislov v reviji bi bilo koristno če bi se malo bolj spoprijateljil s stricem Googlom…

    • I think foundations cost a little bit more, but in general they were completely off with prices. And anybody who is familiar with the brand could not make such mistake. :angel:


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