Red lipstick – part 1

We all know that red lipstick is classic and it’ll never go out of style. There are tons of different red lipsticks in the market. Tons of different shades, finishes, brands … It’s really hard to find a perfect red lipstick for yourself. I don’t know if I already found the perfect red lipstick for me, but one of my favourites is by Barry M. The shade is called Scarlet Red (No.1) and it’s from the Lip Lacquer Crayon line. It’s a very nice red shade. It’s easy to apply. It’s a bit sticky. The good thing is it lasts quite long even on my small lips. One of the reasons I love it that much is the finish. I would descrice it as metallic finish. I was looking for a red lipstick with such a finish for a long time.

Swatch: Barry M - Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 - Scarlet Red
Barry M – Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 – Scarlet Red

This is how it looks on me. I applied it over a red lip liner by Catrice (Lip Designer in 010 Ruby Red).

Swatch: Barry M - Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 - Scarlet Red
Barry M – Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 – Scarlet Red
Swatch: Barry M - Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 - Scarlet Red
Barry M – Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 – Scarlet Red
Swatch: Barry M - Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 - Scarlet Red
Barry M – Lip Lacquer Crayon: No. 1 – Scarlet Red

Brown eyeliner by Manhattan and mascara on my eyes. Sleek blush in Pomegranate on my cheeks.

In my next post I’ll show another of my favourite red lipsticks.

What’s your favourite red lipstick?

*The product was sent to me for review purposes..

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Red lipstick – part 1”

  1. oooooooooo! Ob naslednjem naročilu!! V bistvu moram že počasi naročilo oddati, se mi je že preveč nabralo. Vsaj upam, da jo še imajo na lič

  2. moja najljubša je definitivno od manhattna ker je obstojna tudi 6 ur namažem se pa samo enkrat in ne rabim nič skrbet če se bo razmazala


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