New Trend Edition by Essence is called I Love. What’s cool about this trend edition is that it’s a preview of what’s coming. Namely from September 2011, these products will be part of the Essence standard range. Here’s what I bought.
Colour & Go polishes in shades:
- 76 – Hard To Resist – dark blue with turquoise shimmer.
- 80 – Icy Princess – shimmery silver.
- 83 – Luxury Secret – I’d describe this shade as shimmery taupe shade. Very unique.
Lipgloss On Top in 01 Dramatize. It looks very dark in the tube. It isn’t as dark when applied on the lips. The base is sheer. I don’t know how to describe the shade. It’s a mix between plum, brown in purple. It has gold shimmer. The texture is smooth and not sticky. It smells sweet (think sweet vanilla smell). I like the packaging.
I Love Stage eyeshadow base has a nice creamy texture. It’s nude shade and it doesn’t contain shimmer. It contains 4ml of product. I’ve used it a couple of times and it worked nicely for me. The make up stayed in place for hours on my normal (not greasy) eyelids. The photos and swatch are above.
I Love Extreme volume mascara. I was never a big fan of Essence mascaras but this one is a winner in my book. It does what it promises. Extreme volume in one swipe. I have to mention though that it glues the lashes (I can’te remember a better word for that) if your not careful, but I guess that’s quite common for such mascaras. I recommend you have a lash comb handy. And the best part is, it’s reasonably priced and it contains 12ml of products! A true winner in my book!
Another product that surprised me in a good way is the Stay All Day long lasting eyeshadow. I bought all three shades that were available and I’m happy I did. I’ll explain everything as we go along. Let’s talk about shades first.
- 03 Steel The Show. The color is hard to describe. I guess the best description is metallic shimmery taupe. It’s similar color as the Luxury Secret nail polish is. Very nice and versatile.
- 04 Stars & Stories is metallic silver.
- 06 Rock Chic is metallic black with silver shimmer.
They all have a strong metallic finish.
The consistency is hard but creamy. I thought these are going to be creamy and soft, but they are not, which I don’t mind.
Once they set they are almost impossible to blend.
I initially bought these eyeshadows because I wanted to try if they are going to work as an eyeshadow base, but unfortunately I haven’t tried that (yet). But I’m quite sure these are good as an eyeshadow base as well.
To make it up to you, I tested the wear of these eyeshadows. They promise to “stay all day” and I had to test that. I was impressed. Below is my proof, that they actually stayed on all day. I even tried them with and without the eyeshadow base and there was no difference that’s why I’m only showing you the photos without the eyeshadow base. I think the photos speak for themselves.
I’d like to mention that my eyelids are normal (not greasy, but also not dry). Though almost all cream eyeshadows do crease on me.
That’s all I have for you for now. Please let me know in the comments what do you think about the I Love trend edition? Do you have any products on your wish list already?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Sem dejansko prišla pred polno stojalo, pa me nič ni pritegnilo. Morda ta siv lak, ampak ne toliko, da bi ga kupila. Shimmer mi je bil namreč zelo všeč, ampak je dišal bo brush strokes (madoniš, kako se to po slovensko reče? :blush: ) … bomo videli, če bo v novem sortimentu, se tako ne mudi. :)
Najbolj me zanimajo senčila. Imajo samo te barve, ki si jih predstavila?
Drugače sem pa pred kratkim odkrila bazo za senčila, ki se zelo dobro obnese na mojih mastnih vekah (NYX High definition :happy: ).
Skupaj bo 6 senčil (menda še bakrena, zlata in temnejša srebrna – to sklepam iz promo fotk). Zaenkrat so bile pa semo te barve na razpolago.
Superca! Me veseli, da si končno odkrila nekaj, kar ti ustreza!!! Jaz imam od NYX Eyeshadow base v lončku kožne barve, ki pa sumim, da ni najboljša za mastne veke, ker je precej voskasta. Morda pa kdaj preizkusim še to, ki jo ti omenjaš. ;)
I have this eyeshadow base and quite oily eyelids. So far I tried it twice and once it didn’t work well (the eyeshadow creased after just 5 hours), but the second time it worked quite ok. In any case, I’d only recommend it to people with non-oily eyelids.
I also have this gloss and it’s lovely, it just doesn’t last long and I wish it was more opaque. Btw, I’m not sure whether the gloss is actually a part of this TE, as there’s no “I love” etc. on it … ?
And I definitely have got to get that cream eyeshadow :)
Thank you for your comment on the eyeshadow base! :rose:
I’m also confused with the lipglosses. I’m confused, because on the Essence web site, these aren’t mentioned in the description of the I Love collection. :ermm:
btw. The Colour&Go polishes also do not have “I love” on the packaging. ;)
I love all the products here, they all look good:) the polishes look good specially the taupe one:D
Nice eyelook you did here… And also very nice to see that after 12 hrs of wearing, the quality is really good!
Thank you! :rose:
Hard To Resist ima kr tapravo ime. Moj favorit. Pa z maskaro si me prepričala. Super,da bodo stvari v redni prodaji ker res nimam časa loviti te kolekcije :haha: :haha:
Ampak res. Super kolekcija zate! :biggrin:
Hard To Resist ce definitivno bit hard to resist :silly: ove ostale stvari su mi tako tako, nac ce se vjerojatno jos stogod za kupit
Hard To Get :thumb: :party:
I picked up the same three polishes shades as you and the Steal the Show eyeshadow. Which I really like I used it as my base and then put the grey metallic shade from the UD Naked palette. It was nice.
I own the Naked Palette, so I have to try your combo! Thank you! :rose:
83 Luxury Secret reminds me a bit of Chanel Black Pearl.
Interesting, because I’ve had the same thought. I’ve never seen Black Pearl in person, but from the swatches I’d say that these aren’t even very close. Black Pearl is more black (and a bit green), while Luxury Secret is more brown(ish). I’d say that Luxury Secret is better! :biggrin:
Hard to Resist has the perfect name for a shade like that… Infact now I can’t resist and I have to buy it! ;)
Mascara seems interesting too… Nice collection, hope to see it in an Essence stand in the future!
I like the “I Love Stage” eyeshadow base, kisses!!
danes sem bila v millerju in niso meli nič :(
Verjetno so že vse prodali. :( Upam, da kmalu pride na redno stojalo. ;)
i’d love to try that eyeshadow base :D
Mene prav mikajo senče in maskara. Komaj čakam! :)
sama sem že pred kratkim kupila vse lake, razen modrega, ker jih imam pač že preveč doma. mam tudi bazo, ki ej super in srebrno senčilo, ki je se strinjam, zelo obstojno. mi znaš povedati, kdaj pride k nam natventuriste LE?
Super, ninika!
Glede Natventuriste pa žal nimam nobenih “inside” informacij. Vem le to, kar je na uradni spletni strani. Da je napovedana za september/oktober.
Komaj čakam na bazo in kakšno stay all day kremasto senčilo :yes:
A mi še lahko poveš kje si jih kupila, v Lj?
V Lj na Čopovi prejšnji teden. ;)
Najlepša havala :wave:
Super! Jaz se veselim baze za senčila. :) Pa očitno po novem tudi senčk, sem presenečena nad obstojnostjo, z njihovimi senčkami sem imela do zdaj bolj kot ne težave, je pa res, da sem jih uporabljala brez baze. Mogoče veš, kateri odtenki senčk še pridejo ven? Če se ne motim, jih bo 6?
V splošnem jaz pri čisto vsakem MUju uporabim podlago. Podlaga pomaga, da se senčila lažje oprimejo veke, velikokrat pa tudi pomaga pri intenzivnosti barv ipd. In seveda daljša obstojnost. :yes:
Kolikor vidim iz promo fotografij, jih bo res šest. Izgleda, da bo zlata, bakrena in še neka temnejša srebrna… A dokler ne vidim v živi, težko zagotovo rečem.
Super, komaj čakam, če bo res bakrena, bo kar zame. :)
Podlage za senčila sem pa odkrila še ne dolgo časa nazaj :blush: Pred tem sem se bolj posvečala samo lakom za nohte, ostale zadeve so bile pa samo bolj na hitro, z varnimi barvami, pa z jezo zaradi neobstojnih senčk. :blush: Se pa zdaj učim, tudi s pomočjo blogov. :thumb:
I love Luxury Secret. The other shades of NP are pretty but I already have nearly the same colors…so I think I’ll skip them.
Thanks for your nice review!
You are welcome!
Luxury Secret is really something special. :yes:
Moder lak je super lep!
Zanima me pa tudi eyeshadow base…a kaj prepreči nabiranje senčila v gubi?
Meni prepreči. Ne vem pa, kako se obnaša na zelo mastnih vekah. Moje veke so normalne in če uporabim dokaj znosno podlago, se mi senčila ne nabirajo v gubo in ostanejo na mestu ves dan. In tako je bilo tudi s to podlago. :yes:
Aweee I love the blue and olive/golden polishes! Pretty badly want them! I can’t remember if you had I’m a Marine Girl from the 50s Girls Reloaded LE, if you do, can I ask you for a comparison between that one and this blue one? They look very similar to me!
The eyeshadows are also very pretty but I have similar ones (if not identical) by Kiko.
Yes, I have I’m A Marine Girl as well. They are not the same. I’m A Marine Girl leans a bit towards purple (I think it has also purple shimmer) and Hard To Resist leans toward green, because it has turquoise shimmer.
Thanks for letting me know! I have to have this one, too, then because I’m a lover of blue shades for winter!
The way you’ve applied eye shadows makes it look soo nice. i couldnt never carry off a silver shade soo well
Thank you, Kejal! :rose:
All Stay All Day eyeshadows and a base. Already bought the mascara and I quite like it – little bit to “wet”, but that only means it will get better with use. :biggrin:
Agree with you. Better a bit too wet mascara at the beginning. It’ll only get better (or drier) during time. :biggrin: