Sunscreen: Avene Emulsion 50+ vs. Eucerin Sun Fluid 50+

We received a lot of requests for skincare and related products reviews from our readers.

I personally don’t mind writing them (I do it all the time anyway), but I’m not really sure you’re going to like them.
Why? I focus on the ingredients and not the feel/smell/pretty packaging … Second – I have over sensitive and oily skin, so lots of products I do not like, would work just fine on you. That is why I decided to do couple of “skincare” posts and see how it goes.

For this series I enlisted a help from our friend Nina – owner of Slovenian beauty site called Ars Cosmetica. She’s finishing her studies in pharmacy, specializes in cosmetics and is my “to go to” person for skincare topics. I’ll be adding snippets of her input/thoughts about each topic.

As we’re having another heatwave this week, I decided to start with sunscreens. I don’t get along well with mineral filters (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide) as they cause heavy impurity outbreaks on my skin when applied in larger concentrations. So I rely upon chemical filters, which I find less stable and more prone to causing irritations on sensitive skin.

Nina prepared for you short cheat sheet of “good” and “bad” chemical filters:

Good (studies show that they are very stable and safe):

  • Tinosorb S (Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine),
  • Tinosorb M (Methylene Bis-Benzotriazolyl Tetramethylbutylphenol),
  • Mexoryl SX (Terephthalylidene Dicamphor Sulfonic Acid),
  • Mexoryl XL (Drometrizole Trisiloxane).

Bad (not so stable or can cause allergic reactions):

  •  Benzophenone-3,
  • Benzophenone-4,
  • Benzophenone-5,
  • Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane.

But beggars can’t be choosers, so I’m stuck with chemical filter sunscreens with at least passable ingredients that work for oily skin.

For a long time now, I’ve been using Avene Very High Protection Emulsion 50+.

Avene Very High Protection Emulsion 50+ by Parokeets
Avene Very High Protection Emulsion 50+

I think it was least year that they improved their packaging (added a pump) and consequently needed less preservatives so they removed parabens from the formula. Emulsion is not as runny as most of them usually are. It takes a while for whitish film to disappear and is harder to reapply because of it – you get white streaks. This is one of the most “blemish unproblematic” SPF creams I encountered. It does generate blackheads but pimples are fortunately nowhere to be seen. I can not wear Avene Emulsion 50+ emulsion for a long time though – it starts to irritate my eyes.

Avene Very High Protection Emulsion 50+ swatch by Parokeets
Avene Very High Protection Emulsion 50+ swatch

This year Maestra was searching for new face sunscreen and we checked a lot of them to find one we thought would be good. She was happy with Eucerin Sun Fluid 50+so I got one for myself.

Eucerin Sun Fluid Mattierend 50+ by Parokeets
Eucerin Sun Fluid Mattierend 50+

Eucerin Sun Fluid 50+ is suppose to be mattifying fluid, but it is far from it. It’s even “greasier” than Avene emulsion. I say “greasier” because it doesn’t have that heavy feel, but more velvety like.
It doesn’t leave white cast which is a plus. It’s a lot more liquid formula than Avene one, so I have trouble layering this fluid to achieve the needed coverage. But it has one mayor benefit – no impurities or irritations what so ever.

Eucerin Sun Fluid Mattierend 50+ swatch by Parokeets
Eucerin Sun Fluid Mattierend 50+ swatch

I use sunscreens all year round to avoid hypo/hyper pigmentations and wrinkles + other sun damage. In summer time I reach for 50+ factor because I find I need less of product to achieve the same effect as with heavy coating of SPF 30. Both sunscreens protect skin against UVA and UVB sun rays. Both of them serve as my foundation primers. I apply sunscreen, wait for 20 min, blot out the excesses oil and then apply foundation. In the end I mattify everything.

Each sunscreen contains 50ml and has 12 month expiration date (after you open it).
Price: Avene 18 EUR (26 USD), Eucerin 16 EUR (23 USD).

Which sunscreen are you using right know? Anything that would be appropriate for my crazy skin?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Sunscreen: Avene Emulsion 50+ vs. Eucerin Sun Fluid 50+”

  1. my child is 2 and half she has very sensitive skin she has read hair and she has more tendency for pigmentation than other what is the best sunscreen suitable for her

    • Don’t know what you have available, but I would go with mineral filters (titanium dioxide and zinc oxide). No nano particles though and if you find something without perfume, essential oils and alcohol it may be just what you are looking for.

  2. meni pa so daleč najboljše Lancaster sončne kreme…res, da so dražje vendar vredne svojega denarja…že z manjšim faktorjem lepo porjavim in nikoli me ne opeče kljub občutljivi koži kot včasih, ko me je takoj….poleg tega je odličen občutek na koži, nobenega pacanja, mastnih zadev, mozoljev in drugih nevšečnosti…seveda pa uporabljam posebej za obraz in telo. :)

  3. Jaz letos uporabljam kremo, ki je bila najprej kupljena zgolj za telo, potem pa sem jo zaradi pomanjkanja cekinov začela uporabljati še za obraz. Gre za kremo Garnier Ambre Solaire Kids Resisto SPF 50, kupila sem jo zaradi dobrih sestavin – škodljivi UV filtri so čisto na koncu oz. jih ni. Je pa tako, povzroča mi ogrce in to precej bolj kot mi je lani packala kožo Avenova emulzija in sem zaradi tega kar slabe volje. Tako da naslednje leto zagotovo kupim kaj posebej za obraz. Plus da takoj ob nanosu, predno se vpije, da res obupen občutek zadušljivosti na koži. Taka, lepljiva, skorajda sluzasta plast se ustvari, katere res ne maram. Saj zgine, ampak po parih mesecih me že tako moti, da se kar izogibam situacij ko bi morala kremo nanesti na kožo.
    BTW, kaj pa pozimi parokeetke uporabljate, iste kreme, z isto visokim SPFjem? Jaz ne vem kaj bi uporabljala, da ne bi imela toliko nečistoč na koži in na koncu pristanem samo na svoji dnevni kremi, brez SPFja. :/

    PS: Gejba, zakon smajli! >> :drool:

    • Uh, tole bo pa pozen odgovor. :shock: Jaz tudi pozimi uporabljam SPF, ampak nižji faktor. Če so seveda okoliščine takšne – sonce, odboj od snega …

      Kaj si izbrala za letos?

  4. I use the Eucerin, but the spf 30. I only use it on holidays and sunny days when I’m outside all day. I avoid sitting in the sun. On normal working days I go by bike to work and I’m exposed to daylight for 15 or 30 minutes; then my normal day lotion with spf 15 from The Body Shop works out fine and is not greasy at all.

  5. Jaz nisem še našla kremo po kateri se ne svetim, tako da to vzamem v zakup. Preizkusila sem Avene kremo s faktorjem 20 (ne vem če jo sploh še prodajajo) in mi nekako ni bila preveč všeč – kakšne hujše reakcije sicer ni bilo vendar sem pa imela občutek maske na obrazu in me je to zelo motilo. Letos sem preizkusila zgoraj omenjeno Eucerin kremo (sem opazila napis mat učinek in nisem mogla mimo nje). Sprva sem jo uporabila pri kakšnem enodnevnem izletu v hribe pa ni bilo kakšne reakcije, po enem tednu redne uporabe pa so se mi pojavili mozolji kot da sem v najhujši puberteti (moja starost je drugače malce čez 30). Trenutno sem na veliki tubici Sun Dance Med 30 (tista s faktorjem 25 na pumpico mi ni všeč ker je pregosta) pri kateri moraš sicer paziti, da jo dobro razmažeš (drugače je ‘ghost’ effect), vendar pa vsaj ni kakšnih hudih kožnih reakcij.

  6. Letos me je Eucerinov Sun Fluid prepričal. Meni bolj ustreza od Avene emulzije. Pri Avene emulzijah sem dobila zagotovo veliko več ogrcev kot pri Eucerin-u. Že omenjena bela barva pri Avene je moteča, ko kremo ponovno nanašaš. Res je, da Eucerin ne matira in se človek sveti po njem, a to rešim z matirnim pudrom.
    Zame je Eucerin zmagovalec!


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