Vampira Polish for Gothic Nails has red glitter thrown into black base. The base is sheer so the glitter is easily visible on the nails. It dries a bit gritty to the touch. Apply one coat of top coat and the surface will be smooth.

Cosmic Polish for Space Age Nails has tiny holographic glitter in the black base. The base is again sheer out so the glitter is easily visible on the nails. The glitter is sparse. The polish reminds me of night sky full of stars. It dries a bit gritty to the touch. Apply one coat of top coat and the surface will be smooth.

Vintage Polish for Elegant Nails is a mint green creme shade. One of the rare ones that actually look good on me. I like the color a lot. The polish itself is on the sheer side. I think there three coats shown in the photo below.

Rain Polish for City Nails is a light grey that has a lot of blue in it. It also has tiny silver shimmer.

I’m not a huge fan of Eyeko’s brush. It’s a bit too long for my taste. And I’m not sure if I like the bottles. What’s bothering me the most is, that they are not stable enough. Other than that. Nice polishes.
If I’m not mistaken these are going to be discontinued soon (or some already are), so if you like them, hurry up. ;)
Here’s “group” photo of the polishes.

And a “Cloudy sky” konadicure I did using the Rain Polish by Eyeko, Konad IP m61 and Konad Special polish in White Pearl.

What do you think about Eyeko polishes?
* Products were sent to me for review purposes.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Vampiro morda ne bi bilo slabo en dan ujeti. Čeprav imam Jordanine glitterčke za tovrstne lake in sem čisto srečna z njimi. Cosmic mi je čudovit, sem vesela da ga imam, Rain Polish pa je odpadel z WL ko sem videla primerjavo s Sea Spray od ChG in ugotovila da sta praktično identična. Moj ultimativni Eyeko lak je Military Polish, seveda. Ampak mislim, da se ga ne da več dobit. Pravzaprav bi bilo dobro pobrskati po kakšnih primerjavah, da najdem dvojčka. :wink: Swatchi so prelepi, kot vedno. :yes: Sicer pa me Eyeko s čopičem ni toliko navdušil, da bi si kupovala vsepovprek njihove stekleničke. Cosmic sem si res res želela, to je pa to. :)
Hvala! :rose:
Priznam, da sem pričakovala več od teh lakov. S čopičem so me res kar malo razočarali. Cena pa tudi ni ful ugodna, če upoštevaš, da v steklenički ni ravno ful laka. Vseeno pa je Cosmic res poseben in vreden nakupa. :yes: Čeprav obstaja kar nekaj lakov na to foro, je tale drugačen. Bleščice so drobne in ravno prav posute … ah, kaj ti pravim, saj ga imaš. :biggrin:
I don’t know the brand, but it looks great :wave:
Vampira. :wub: :love:
krasni lakići, ja još nemam nijedan njihov :shock:
manikura je predobra :thumb:
i love eyeko polishes, too bad they’re gonna stop selling them :(
Vampira Polish for Gothic Nails me je takoj spomnil na Essence Ballerina Backstage črnega. :)
Morda spomnil, a nista enaka, ker ima Grand Plie in Black oranžne bleščice, tale ima pa rdeče. ;)
Vampira Polish looks like essence ballerina backstage Grand-pliè in black!
They are not the same. The main difference is that Grand-Plie in Black has orange glitter while Vampira has red glitter. ;)
love the black vampira one :D
Vampira is very pretty polish. :yes:
Great polishes!!
I love your mani!
Thank you!
Uff, Cosmic Polish je že nakj časa na moji WL. Pa če praviš, da grejo iz prodaje, potem moram pa res pohitet in ga nabavit! : :shock:
Jap, če prav vidim, lakov sploh ni več na uradni spletni strani. Na Čarodejki pa so še. ;)