Trio that has me talking with myself

A while ago I spotted Isadora Forest eyeshadow trio from Forest Groove collection … and it’s still there poking around in my brain.

Here is the dialog that is replaying in my mind:
– I LOVE the shimmery green shade;
– but I don’t want to pay 20 EUR for a trio;
– add another 10+EUR and I have new Inglote palette;
– but I LOVE green shade and come to think of it, Zinfandel lipstick too;
– NO, you really don’t need this trio …

I think it’s official – I’m nuts. :D

Once swatch of the trio kind of survived on my hand until I got home, so I took picture of it.

Isadora Forest Groove: Forest eye shadow trio swatch
Isadora Forest Groove: Forest eye shadow trio

Those of you that have this trio, please tell me that is sucks.

What would you do? How do you keep yourself from buying thing like this?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

18 thoughts on “Trio that has me talking with myself”

  1. Ooo, kot da bi jaz pisala tale post … jaz te POPOLNOMA razumem … ne štejem več, kolikokrat sem šla pogledat testerček, prijela trio, dala nazaj na stojalce … :sigh: Nemogoča sem. Ampak zelena senčka je res fantasična, obožujem jo, vsakič ko jo sprobam na prstu.
    Moj notranji dialog poteka podobno. S tem, da jaz dodam da s tem denarjem kupim kak čopič ali dva in kak svinčnik ali dva, todvoje pa res potrebujem, za razliko od senčil, ki jih imam zaenkrat dovolj. Enkrat sem se prepričala, ko sem jo že skorajda odnesla na blagajno, da tisti zlati shimmer zgleda ZELO sumljivo in da se bo gotovo tresel po celem licu. :bljak: :biggrin: Saj dvomim, da je res, ampak je zaleglo. :wink:
    Potem se še dodatno “potolažim”, da bo itak kmalu Catrice v neposredni bližini in si bom lahko privoščila kakšno njihovo senčko za veliko manj denarja … in potem grem stran. Ampak hočem jo pa še zmeraj … :sigh: :nervous:

  2. Točno vem kako se počutiš… to se meni vedno dogaja, ravno danes sem imela prebliske okrog enih čevljev, ki sem jih šla samo 2x gledat v trgovino…in ne ne bom jih kupila …ne smem… :nono:

    drugače pa srednja senčka je čudovita :wub: …sem šla gledat vse tri komplete, vsi trije mi zgledajo full lepi in full uporabni, ker so res lepe barve…

  3. I saw this palette the other day and was also drawn to that beautiful green… But I didn’t buy it because I thought it was a bit pricey. Yesterday I decided to get it … and it was sold out! That made me thinking it just wasn’t for me :ermm:


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