Day in the mountains

October is THE birthday month in my immediate and extended family. Season started with 01.10. and first birthday girl decided to celebrate in the mountains.

My faithful camera came with me and I took few .

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)
Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)
Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Day in the mountains (Mezakla - Slovenia)

Meet Nala – this is her first fall so she naturally wants to experience everything. One of the family members was playing with her and of course I took the opportunity to show you beautiful Nala and pretty Manhattan 57U nail polish in action. :D

Nala and Manhattan 57U
Nala and Manhattan 57U

My piece of very tasty birthday cake made by lady with pretty manicure.

Mezakla - cake

To wrap up lovely day spent in the sun (slight sunburn was not welcomed), I got few of the Catrice goodies.

Catrice: Lost In THe Rose Wood (lip liner), Metall Of Honor (es), Marilyn&Me, Khaki Perry, After Eight, Captain Sparrow's Boat
Catrice: Lost In The Rose Wood (lip liner), Metall Of Honor (es), Marilyn&Me, Khaki Perry, After Eight, Captain Sparrow's Boat


This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

24 thoughts on “Day in the mountains”

  1. Ravno iščem swatche od Captain Sparrow’s Boat in sem našla tale post, pa se ne spomnim, da bi ga videla na tebi/blogu, ali se motim?

  2. Vse najboljše za oktober! :) Izredno lepe slike, pa kužek, joooj, preluškano!!! Prava paša za utrujene oči. S Catrice pa sploh ne govorim, ko se pa tako dolgo kobaca v Ljubljano. :nono: :angry: :wink:

  3. Iiii, lepe fotke.
    Kakšne pasme je Nala? Poznam enega mešančka (posvojen iz zavetišča), ki ji je blazno podoben, pa se ne ve točno, kaj je.

  4. O, kako lepo. Tudi sama vsak prost trenutek skočim v gozd. Sinoči je bil čudovit sončni zahod. Upam, da bo nocoj tudi. :pic:
    Torta izgleda slastno. Recept, itak. :thumb:

  5. Mi delaš skomine z novimi lakci to še prenesem, ampak torta?
    Drugič prej napiši, da boš pokazala slastno torto, da si post ogledam sita :wink:

  6. kot vedno zelo dober prispevek!!!
    tale torta zgleda prav slastno, zravnop takšna za mene – kremasta!
    bi se dalo dobiti recept, če le ta ni skrivnost? :)


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