I’ve been searching for a perfect green corrector for a while now. While shopping in Germany I spotted p2 Perfect Face Anti-Red Base (02 Correct Me!). BTW – shopping itself was nightmare as the lady who was filling p2 stand just wouldn’t go away. She almost pushed me out of her way like I was annoying fly. Too bad my German sucks.

Because of the annoying “seller” I only quickly tested the texture/color and decided to get the corrector. If I had my peace I would probably spot shimmer in the store and would save myself the rant.
I find the color to be perfect for me – not to green and not too opaque. I need only a little bit to cover up the redness around my nose. And the glycerin is not the primary ingredient as in most of the correctors I saw.
But they had to add shimmer and spoil everything. I really don’t need shimmer to draw the attention to the part of my face that I’m trying to correct.
I still use the corrector but in small quantities and only when doing full make up routine. But if there were no shimmer in this corrector it could have easily became on of my must have products.
You can see the texture, application, color and packaging in short Youtube video.
Price: 3,95 EUR (5.5 USD) for 30ml. Expiration date – 12 months after opening the product.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Gejba, si kdaj poskusila MUD-ove korektorje? So dražji in so kremni, zelo zelo koncentrirani, so pa nekaj čisto drugega, kot tile “drogerijski” korektorji, pa veš, da nisem nek ultra pristaš drage kozmetike ;)
Na splošno se izogibam kremnim korektorjem, podlagam … enostavno so mi bili do sedaj še čisto vsi zelo komedogeni. :sigh:
Če pa kdaj končno pridem do njihove delavnice, bom pa prosila, če ga lahko sprobam … pa kar bo bo. :biggrin:
Hvala za predlog. :rose:
Nisem še našla dobrega zelenega korektorja, zelene podlage za obraz še nisem nobene sprobala. Bi bilo pa zanimivo videt, kaj bi naredilo z mojo poltjo.
Uuuu – to je treba testirat. Kaj dobiš, ko se zaletita rumen podton z mareličnimi toni in zelena baza … frjločno? :biggrin:
Kaj takega bi rabila za občasne mozoljčke – sploh zadnje čase me nekaj napadajo. :( Škoda za šimmer, res! Kaj pa tisti ArtDecojev zelen, v stiku? Nisem si ga še privoščila, pa me je kar mikal …
Na žalost ne poznam ArtDeco stika.
Jaz na splošno izogibam bolj kompaktnim izdelkom, ker so meni zelo pogosto komedogeni za nameček se mi pa še v gubice usedajo. So pa take konsistence dostikrat bolj obstojne (kar je pri mozoljih sploh fino).
Ker sem zaenkrat še bolj laik na področju dekorativne kozmetike me zelo zanima čemu zelen korektor? Sem kar malo čudno pogledala ko sem videla zelen :blush:
Z majčkeno zelenega korektorja zelo dobro nevtraliziraš rdeče predele (rdečica tam kjer je ne želiš, rdeči mozolji). Na ta način potrebuješ manj prekrivno podlago, da prekriješ nepravilnosti. Gre za podoben princip kot uporaba korektorja v barvi lososa za podočnjake.
Jaz imam zoprno rdečico levo in desno od nosa, ki pokuka ven skozi podlago (ne uporabljam zelo prekrivnih), tako da izgledam kot klovn, če dodam še blush. :biggrin:
Jaz rabim zelen korektor. Imam Catrice (tisto paletko z več korektorji) in mi zeleni ni ne vem kaj…
Meni kremni niso preveč všeč zato iščem tekočega. Ampak je ponudba bolj borna, pa še to znajo bit čisto preveč zeleni ali prekrivni. Če najdem kaj uporabnega, ti takoj sporočim. :angel:
Hi there. :)
I use the “normal” face base by p2 to mix it with my foundation. My skin is pretty dry and a lot of formulas do not work to well because my skin seems to suck up all the liquid, so the additional face base adds some moisture. :)
I thought about getting the green one to balance out pink hues in the foundation itself. (One of the many not-perfect-fits.)
What do you think – might this work?
At the moment I am using Alverde green corrector which really is green like a frog and without any shimmering. What product have you been using before?
OT: I love your smilies! :akitty:
What kind of moisturizer are you using under the foundation? Does your skin ever get greasy?
If I were you I would rather find right moisturizer/day cream and if that is not enough use primer (like ELF Mineral Infused Face Primer one) under the foundation (p2 bases are not really moisturizing they just give you the slip – silicones, glycerin …).
But green should cancel out the pinkish undertone. I usually mix yellow and pink to get more neutral tone, but green works as well. Only problem is that you’ll have shimmery foundation.
This is actually the first one I bought, others were either to green, or cream consistency which I don’t like, glycerin was no 1 ingredients …
that’s bad to hear that the SA was so rude… I heard a lot of good things about the Anti Red Base from Alverde.
Thx for the suggestion. I’ll check it out but they’re products usually smell really bad to me … all those essential oils. :sigh: