Pink Challenge: Day 7 by Gejba

I wanted to do water marble for my last manicure. And even-though I virtually had no free time today, I did one … not one of my wisest choices.

In all honesty I can not remember if I ever did water marble manicure before. I vaguely remember dabbling once, but that was it. Can’t say it’s hard thing to do per se, but none of the gray, white and turquoise polishes wanted to spread nicely. So I guess picking out the right polish is the hardest part … besides deciding which part of the design to put my nail in. :D

In the end I stumbled upon Magnetic holographic polishes which kind of worked, so I used those. Since I couldn’t do the design I wanted, I played around and tried out majority of my Magnetic holo polishes … but not all on the all the fingers.

Essence Love This City - pink challenge day 07 water marble by GejbaEssence Love This City served as a base and Magnetic Radiant Red, Shimmering Titanium, Spectacular Stone, Shimmering Silver as water-marbling polishes.

This challenge definitively reminded me why I don’t enter more of them … serious lack of time.

Bye, bye pink challenge – it’s been fun and exhausting at the same time.

For the last time – check out other participants in Pink Challenge: Caroline – Good Lack, Nail!, Maestra – Parokeets blog, Ulmiel – Did someone say nail polish?, Rebecca – Rebecca Likes Nails, Leslie – Polish Art Addiction, Inge – Polish Sis, Sidrah – Beauteous blog, Sarah – Lucky Lacquers.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Pink Challenge: Day 7 by Gejba”

  1. Marble je super, enostaven, všeč mi je temnejša nota. Ampak ne smem videt r od rozaste. Se vidi, da sem pretiravala, ker ta teden jemljem samo skorajda črne lake za na nohte. :biggrin:

  2. Čestitke za opravljen izziv!
    Vsak dan sem spremljala in z veseljem pričakovala naslednjega, ker sem sama totalno brez idej, kako 7 dni nositi en lak na 7 različnih načinov. Torej, vse pohvale z moje strani. :yes:


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