Yesterday I bought a few products from the Essence Vampire’s Love TE. I had to try some of them ASAP, so today’s make up was inspired by the colors from the vampire’s collection. On my eyes I used Make Up Factory – Eye Colors No. 54, on my cheeks I used the gel blush from the Vampire’s Love TE. I love how this blush looks on me. It looks very natural. The color is beautiful. I applied it with the blush brush by Illamasqua. On my lips I wore the True Love lipstain from the same collection. On my nails I’m still wearing the beautiful True Love nail polish (also Vampire’s Love TE).
And I bought new (sort of) army boots today. They are super comfy and I think they are cute. The brand is Refresh and I’ve never heard if it before. I hope I didn’t buy some crappy shoes. *fingers crossed*
I’m planing on posting a new video make-up tutorial in the next few days. I’ve already recorded it, I just don’t have the energy to edit it. I hope I’ll finish it soon.
I haven’t forgotten the brush reviews. I think I’ll have the next one up in the next few days as well.
And one last thing. I’m also going to do the lipstick tag, I just have too much to do right now and I want to do everything at the same time and in the end I don’t finish anything. I think I have to make a to do list … well … that’s life.
I hope you are having fun, whatever you are doing right now.
Hugs & kisses to you all!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
ni problema Maestra :ahug: Stipetu pa ni bil všeč MU, drugače bi se spogledoval s tabo :haha: :haha:
Meni pa je bil všeč celotni outfit :) posebej rutica v laseh :wub:
Škornji so zakon. Zdaj pa jih samo hitro sprobaj…
beautiful look, love the boots!
Tile škornji niso ravno po mojem okusu, ampak močno upam, da so dobre kvalitete in te ne bodo zapustili v najbolj kritičnem trenutku
Lakec je pa itak božanski, ssploh ne rabiš sprašvat :wink:
Ooo, kje si pa še ujela Vampirje? Menda niso že v DMih? To bi bilo super! Ta kolekcija mi je kar malo ušla. :/ Pomanjkanje časa, še zdaj ne vem, kako mi je uspelo dobiti Remix. Sva pa imeli obe srečo s škornji, hehe, zakon, še isto sva plačali zanje! Tvoji so fantastični! Samo taki “bulsi” so mi všeč kot flat škornji. Sploh vezalke so mi všeč! Make up pa je čudovit, kot vedno, fajn, da je velika slika, ko klikneš nanjo, da se da bolje pogledat. :yes:
Glede prispevkov pa si ne ženi k srcu. Jaz tudi kronično trpim za pomanjkanjem časa, na začetku bloganja sem še lahko postala vsak dan, kje je že to … zdaj včasih še laka ne utegnem zamenjat tisti dan ko želim, groza. :nono: Upam da je kljub hektičnosti dobro obdobje zate!
wow, hoću i ja ovakve čizme :stars:
jedva čekam da vampiri stignu do nas :thumb:
O M G! :stars: Škornji so p e r f e k t n i! :drool: Ravno zanes sem iskala kakšne podobne škornje, pa nisem našla nič zadovoljivega.. Kje si jih kupila? :nervous:
Aham, samo v SLO delo sem napisala. Kupila sem jih v Kastner & Ohler-ju. :wink:
Yup – your kind of boots. :thumb: I love the MU and can’t wait for the new video. :happy: