I’ve been asked many times to do a post or several posts on make up brushes. I’ve had difficulties deciding how to do these posts, because there’s so many different brushes out there and I also have a lot of different brushes myself. So I couldn’t decide whether to write a “my favourite brushes” post or just a basic post about brushes (how to use them etc.) or separate post for face brushes and for eye brushes … I decided that for now I’ll just review some of the brushes that I have and then I’ll see where will that lead me. Does that sound good for you?
I decided to start with the Essence brushes, because they are easy to find here in Slovenia and they are cheap.

First I’d like to say that all Essence brushes are of quite good quality. All brushes are very soft and they don’t loose hair, which is very good (starting point). The handle on the eyeliner brush feels very cheap, but for the price it’s OK. BUT I still don’t think all of the brushes are worth buying. Read on please.
Let’s start with my least favourite brush, which is blush brush. For my taste this brush is too big for a blush brush and the bristles too long or just not dense enough. When you apply brush the bristles spread out too much and you can’t control where you put the blush. For me this brush is useless and I don’t like it at all. For me it was a complete waste of money. MAC 168 brush is just for reference.

Next is the powder brush, which is better than the blush brush. I really don’t know what to say about this brush. It’s a good brush but I don’t use it or even like it. I’m not saying it’s not worth the money, but I still don’t use it. I don’t know why … I guess I don’t like the bristles and the bristles are not dense enough. It’s an OK brush (if you don’t have a better powder brush :D ) if you ask me. MAC 116 brush is just for reference.

The handles are a lot shorter than the handles on MAC’s brushes.

Moving on to my favourite Essence brushes.

First the eyeliner brush, which is very good. The bristles are not harsh or rough. You can create a very thin and precise line using this brush. I like it a lot. The only thing I don’t like about this brush is the handle. It’s made of plastic and it feels like you could break it. It’s bendable. But I’ve been using this brush for a few months now and I didn’t break it until now, so I guess it’s not as fragile as it feels. :D

And my favourite brush of the bunch is the smokey eyes brush. It lacks density to be a perfect smokey eyes brush, but it’s still very good. I like to use it for blending, because it’s fluffy. I’ve read that it’s also great for applying concealer under the eyes. So a true multitasker. If I had to recommend only one Essence brush this would be it.

To sum it up.
In my opinion, these are quite good quality brushes (esspecially for the money), but not all have the greatest shape or the bristles aren’t the best. Some of them are not dense enough. The price is low, so most of them are really good value for money, but I would NOT RECOMMEND buying the blush brush and would HIGHLY RECOMMEND the smokey eyes brush.
I hope my review was helpful to some of you.
Have you ever tried the Essence brushes? Which ones do you have? What are your thoughts on them?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I agree with you on the blush brush anD the smokey eye brush… But I miss the old blush and power brush do you know where I can still find the power brush or the moonlight power brush.
I love the smokey eye brush as well (even though I still can’t manage to do a smokey eyes). Anyway, the pink purple brushes just made to US so I was a little curious about them (I love the original blush brush with beige/white hair). It’s nice to know that they are not too good…
Imam ta 2 čopiča Essence smokey eyes brush in Essence eyeliner brush in sem super zadovoljna, sta skoraj vsak dan v uporabi :party:
Super Gogy! :happy:
Jaz imam tudi gel eyeliner čopič, le da je moj iz Natventurist kolekcije (mislim da je enak le barva je drugačna) in sem zelo zadovoljna
Hvala za tako dober post :thumb: Že nekaj časa razmišljam, da bi si vzela liner-ja (imam sicer enega od Coastal Scents, ki mi je super ampak je dobro imeti 2 :whistle: ) in čopič za nanos pudra. Torej, za liner si me prepričala za drugega bom še kaj počekirala (mogoče Catrice? hmmm) :biggrin:
Od Catrice čopiča za puder nimam, sem ga pa potipala in se je meni osebno zdel malenkost grob. Sicer za obraz verjetno niti ni neke panike. Kaj več pa žal ne znam povedati o Catrice čopiču za puder.
Pa sem že imela smokey eyes v rokah, pa ga odložila nazaj :whistle: Bo treba it iskat. :silly: Jaz sem še pa vedno čisto navdušena nad starim powder & blush. Manjši ročaji so mi pa fajn, ker če ne ves čas drezam v ogledalo – na daleč nič ne vidim :blush:
Vsekakor so kratki ročaji lahko praktični za nekoga plus, za koga drugega pa minus. :yes:
TO, Maestra piše o čopičih! :happy: :party: Essencovega za eyeliner imam iz njihovih LE. Enega takega mini, ne spomnim se iz katere kolekcije in pa enega, ki je po obliki enak temu v tvojem prispevku, iz Natventuriste, in mi je zelo všeč. :yes: Bom pogledala še za tega za smokey eyes, Essence je tako poceni, da si ga lahko mimogrede privoščim. Hvala za nasvete! :rose:
Sicer pa se mi zdi super način podajanja te res obsežne teme. Ideja, da bi jih pokrila po znamkah mi je zelo všeč, tudi zato, ker je vsaka znamka pač svoj cenovni razred. Tako da če boš priporočila smokey eyes čopič še pri MAC in Make Up Factory, se bo vsaka posameznica lahko odločila, kateri bo bolj primeren njeni denarnici.
Če pa smem bit še bolj zoprna: ideja tvoje allstar skupine za kompleten make up, na koncu obdelane tematike bi bila zame sveti gral. :yes: :blush: Seveda pa si jo lahko izpišem tudi sama preko postov, da ne bo zgledalo, kot da že po prvem prispevku nalagam nove ideje za prispevke. :blush:
Ulmiel, hvala za predlog! Malo sicer odvisno, kako zelo se bo ta zadeva zavlekla, a imam v mislih, da na koncu naredim še moj izbor. :yes:
jedino imam ovu smokey eyes brush i super mi je radit s njom, ali nazalost mojoj ispadaju dlacice, ne strasno, ali ipak ponekad
A res? Moj je super in ni spustil niti ene dlake. :thumb:
Očitno kontrola kvalitete pri Essence res šepa. Očitno za tako ceno žal ne moremo pričakovati čudežev. :sigh:
I have the eyeliner and smokey brushes, smokey brush is amazing for the price! Eyeliner brush broke after just few days so I had to glue it back, but it still does the job. :)
Obviously this eyeliner brush is a hit or miss. :sigh: But better a defect handle that you can glue back than a brush that would loose hair, right? :biggrin:
I have the smokey eyes brush and although I haven’t used this on a daily basis I think it works very well.
I really like the smokey eyes brush me too, but I’m not sure if I like the eyeliner brush or not. As you wrote, quality is good, expecially comparing to its price, but it came unstuck immediately (after two uses).
I’ve never seen the other two brushes in the stores of my city so I can’t express an opinion on them. :)
Essence obviously has some quality control issues. :sigh:
After a couple of months and a lot of washes my eyeliner brush is still in perfect condition, but I’ve read that there were problems with the handle (not enough glue or something like that). That’s too bad. :sigh:
Jaz imam smokey eye čopič, in sem z njim zelo zadovoljna, celo bolj kot z Yves Rocher smokey eyes šopičem… iz ene izmed omejenih izdaj imam pa Essence blush brush, ki pa ima bele dlake, ne pinki (ki ne odpadajo kljub vsakodnevni uporabi in nenehnem prenašanju v kozmetični torbici). se že veselim ocen drugih čopičev! :wink:
Najprej moram reči da si napisala res super prispevek in bom vesela če boš napisala še kakšnega… :D Vveliko pomoč so mi tudi tvoji tutoriali, ker znaš tako lepo prikazati postopke nanašanja :yes:
Moje izkušnje glede čopičev…Hmm.. Imam Essence liner čopič, smokey eyes brush in čopič za puder v prahu (ampak je iz Essence Moonlight TE). Čopiči so mi na splošno super, višje cenovnih nisem še preizkušala ker si jih zaenkrat ne morem privoščiti zgolj “za probo”. Dokler ne dobim dovolj info, da se odločim za nakup drugih, bodo tudi od Essence OK. :D
No najprej čopič za nanos linerja-sicer ga veliko uporabljm ampak mi malo draži oči, se mi zdi da so ščetine preveč ostre za moje občutljive oči :ermm: Moram biti zeeeelo nežna in z malo potegi ustvariti kar pač imam namen ustvariti, več popravkov si ne morem privoščiti. Čopič za smokey eyes mi je super, ga uporabljam vsakodnevno. Se mi zdi da svojo nalogo dobro opravlja, je ravno prav gost za moje pojme. Prav tako tudi čopič za puder v prahu, ker je pač tako zelo mehak, :wub: sploh po pranju. Zaradi kratkega ročaja se mi zdi praktičen, ker ga ponavadi nosim s sabo tudi v toaletni torbici polg pudra (pač moja polt potrebuje matiranje skoraj čez cel dan). Aja saj res, imam tudi čopič za gel liner iz kolekcije Essence Metallics Trend Edition, ki ga pa zelo malo uporabljam, če pa že pa bolj za blendanje črte na spodnjem delu očesa. Ne vem, en zdi se mi nevem kako uporaben :wink:
Hvala, Polona! :rose: Glede na odziv, bom zagotovo napisal še več prispevkov o čopičih. :yes:
Tudi jaz sem začela s poceni čopiči, da sem sploh dobila občutek, kako z njimi in kaj si sploh želim od čopičev. Zelo dolgo so mi bili ti čopiči super in si sploh nisem predstavljala, da bi rabila kaj drugega. Počasi sem potem postala bolj zahtevna in sem želela več in bolj specifične zadeve. Tako sem začela kupovati tudi druge.
Vidim, da je tale eyeliner čopič “hit or miss” – nekaterim je preoster, nekaterim je super. Morda je več verzij ali pa smo samo različno občutljivi. Vsekakor mi je super prebirati različna mnenja in izkušnje!
Ročaji pa so stvar osebne preference. Za po torbici “valjat” so sigurno bolj praktični s kratkim ročajem. Meni osebno so za domačo uporabo boljši z malo daljšim ročajem, ker lahko izkoristim dolgi ročaj in s tem “določam” efekt, ki ga želim doseči.
I have all of these, except for the blush brush (which I will definitely not buy after reading your review, thanks :)) and I quite like them. However, I only use the eyeliner brush for doing my eyebrows, because I actually find it totally rough and I tried applying gel eyeliner with it a couple of times and I find I do not have enough control with it …
Anyway, thanks for a really nice review, it’s very helpful :yes:
I’m glad my review was helpful to you. :party:
I tried my eyeliner brush today again, just to check if I missed something, but no. Mine is not rough. Maybe there are different “versions” of the brush out there. We all know that the quality control at Essence isn’t the best (I guess with such low prices that’s normal).
Another possibility is that you have more sensitive eyes than I do.
Thank you for your comment! I love to read other people’s opinion and experience. :yes:
I think it’s very possible that my eyes are just supersensitive, so I don’t blame Essence too much for this brush :)
I agree – smoky (for blending) and eyeliner blush are great. I use them both quite a lot. :thumb:
Jaz imam tudi samo eyelier in blending brush od Essence, tudi jaz priporočam! :yes:
Meni je pa tale za nanos rdečila na lica kar OK. Mogoče zato, ker pred njim še nisem preizkusila nobenega drugega … Za smokey mi je všeč, zelo slab pa je tisti dvostranski, ki je bil v 50 girls reloaded. Dlake odpadajo kot zmešane, med umivanjem pa pušča barvo.
Me veseli,da se z blush copicem razumeta. ;) Mene enostavno ne uboga. :( Glede dvostranskega copica se strinjam – katastrofa in sramota od copica!