I spotted some new brushes at our local DM (Drogerie Markt; drugstore). Brushes are by Max Factor. They are sold individually and each brush comes in a box. It first I wasn’t interested, because none of the brushes seemed interesting to me. Either they looked rough or the shape wasn’t interesting to me. But second time I checked them out, I found one that had potential and I bought it. It’s an eye shadow brush.

I was afraid the bristles are going to be rough but they are not. The brush is dense, a tiny bit fluffy and flat at the same time. Just the shape I like my eye shadow brushes to be. It’s also not very big, which I think is a good thing. It’s a very good brush for a decent price (around 5,5€).
Have you tried any of the Max Factor brushes yet? What are your thoughts on them?
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Jaz vedno v DMu kolebam, če bi vzela kakšnega, pa se nikoli ne spravim… :roll:
Oblika mi je všeč … mogoče ga pa res sprobam.
Res ni švoh. Ni sicer tako mehek kot kakšni sintetični, a mene ne špika. Je pa iz kozje dlake in je oži/manjši od mojega Gosha. ;)
I think that’s a bit expensive when you compare them to Ecotools which quality seem a lot better judging from the photos, but I may be wrong… I don’t know…The box is very nice though.
Well, I don’t have anything against the Eco Tools brushes. In fact I think they are good quality brushes, but for the eyes there’s not a single one that I would like. They are either too big (yes, too big even for me) or they are too fluffy and good only for blending. I have a few of them and the only ones that I use regularly are their face brushes.
I’m aware, that the shape of the brushes is a personal choice and preference.
Meni se (tako po slikah) zdi zelo podoben Alverde čopiču, ki je bil v neki LE. Prav tako za nanos senčil, ploščat, ampak fluffy. Samo cenejši.
Jaz zelo rada uporabljam take čopiče, ko nimam čiste svoje ljubezni, MAC 217. Da se jih namreč uporabljati na precej podoben način. :wink:
Žal Alverde čopiča, o katerem pišeš, ne poznam in se ga ne spomnim. Menda se zdaj prodaja še nek Alverde čopič, ki je del redne linije, a ga sama še nisem zasledila na novih stojalih.
MAC 217 ni v moji zbirki, imam pa Sigma E25, ki mu je menda zelo podoben. Sigma E25 je veliko bolj košat od Max Factorja, prav tako ima daljše dlake in je nekoliko širši. Max Factorjev mnogo bolj drži obliko. Sigmo E25 najraje uporabljam za blendanje, za nanos senčila mi je skoraj prekošat in prevelik.
Hvala za tvoj komentar. :rose: