Just a quick swatch of Catrice Captain Sparrow’s Boat for our reader. I could have sworn that this polish leans more to the greenish side, but I guess artificial lights make it look more gray.

Formula is a little bit streaky, but brush strokes are not that visible. Shimmer is lovely, but you have to look really close at the manicure to see it in all its beauty.
I used 2 coats, no top coat.

I like it, but it will look even better with some kind of konadicure over it.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
It’s the dupe of Chanel Black Pearl… (even the name is copied!!)
I don’t have Black Pearl so I don’t know how similar are they. But I did hear that they’re very close relatives. :silly:
Jaz ga kupim že zaradi imena in igre imen s Chanelom, lol, blazno me zabava. :D Me pa skrbi, kako zelo se bo poznal čopič na laku.
Meni proge niso problematične … ni primerljivo s kovinskim finišem.
i hav ehtis one and i love the color, jsut wish it wasn’t as streaky..
I d0n’t find it very streaky. But I did have to shake it really well to get more even formula.
Tako navaden, a tako poseben. :wub:
Dober opis. :thumb:
Beautiful polish! Love this kind of colors in fall/winter!♥
Add stamping and … :wub:
V zadnjem času sem kupila cel kup lakov :blush: in me sedaj sestra nadzira, da ne zapravim preveč, zato se bo treba posvetovat z njo, ampak mislim, da jo dobro poznam in bo tale lepotec kmalu v najini zalogi :yes:
Še dobro, da nimam sestre, brat pa še prispeva kakega v zbirko. :biggrin:
slaba sam na sive boje, tako da mi je i ova apsolutni bingo :thumb:
Definitivno trebaš. :cute:
I like it. I love intense, darker colours. But hate it when you put them on and they look black :( Always nice to see one that does not do that :)
Then you need this one – it doesn’t look black. :yes: