Catrice Captain Sparrow’s Boat

Just a quick swatch of Catrice Captain Sparrow’s Boat for our reader. I could have sworn that this polish leans more to the greenish side, but I guess artificial lights make it look more gray.

Catrice Captain Sparrow's Boat bottle
Catrice Captain Sparrow's Boat bottle

Formula is a little bit streaky, but brush strokes are not that visible. Shimmer is lovely, but you have to look really close at the manicure to see it in all its beauty.

I used 2 coats, no top coat.

Catrice Captain Sparrow's Boat swatch
Catrice Captain Sparrow's Boat

I like it, but it will look even better with some kind of konadicure over it.

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16 thoughts on “Catrice Captain Sparrow’s Boat”

  1. :wub:
    V zadnjem času sem kupila cel kup lakov :blush: in me sedaj sestra nadzira, da ne zapravim preveč, zato se bo treba posvetovat z njo, ampak mislim, da jo dobro poznam in bo tale lepotec kmalu v najini zalogi :yes:


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