I’m still battling with headache, so I guess you know what that means … archive photos time.
I bought only one of Kiko Sparkle Touch nail polishes – Glitter Arcobaleno Sparkle T. no. 230.

This was actually the only one that really drew my attention. I liked the was it sparkled and glitter combo looked cute. I layered it over Kiko Grigo Grafite (no. 326) shade. Skin color looks pretty weird because I was goofing around with lighting.

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Lepa kozmična kombinacija. :wub:
Oooo, zelo zelo lepo! Sem čisto presenečena, zakon! Upam, da glavobol hitro mine, vem kako je, ko se zapiči v glavo. :ahug:
Počasi že mineva. :rose:
Full se lepo blešči, verjetno si bo treba omisliti še kakega iz te serije. :angel:
PREčudovit! :wub:
Definitely like! :wub:
Super Pretty :)
super pretty!
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
:bow: :biggrin: