Refan perfumes

I’m not sure if you are familiar with Refan perfumes. Refan stores (we have several in Slovenia) are known for their copies of designer or high end perfumes. They store the perfumes in large containers in the store and they pour the perfume of your choice in the bottle of your choice (in front of you). They sell various refillable boring bottles. Nice concept. Someone once told me that they actually have the original recipes of the high end perfumes they are selling. I don’t know if that’s true. I’m no expert, but to me most of their perfumes smell exactly like the originals do. And they last surprisingly long on me as well. And you can imagine that they are way cheaper than the originals and the bottles are way uglier than the bottles of the original perfumes.

As I mentioned above the bottles are really really really boring and ugly and nothing special. On the bottle there’s only a round gold sticker with the number (not name) of the perfume and you receive the list of perfumes, where you can see which number is which perfume etc. During the past few years I managed to assemble a few bottles and they all look the same, so I can’t even tell which bottle is which perfume anymore. So I thought I’d pimp them up a bit and I’d give names to the bottles. Here’s what I came up with.

Refan Fragrances - list of perfumes

Refan Fragrances - list of perfumes

Refan Fragrances - list of perfumes

Refan Fragrances

Note: The bottles come with just one round gold sticker either on the bottom or on the lid of the bottle. The white sticker on the lid with the name and the transparent sticker on the bottle (glass) were added by me.

Nothing special. I didn’t want to invest a lot of time into fancy designs etc. But it’s good enough for me.

Here’s the full list of perfumes available. The prices are also in the photo below.

Refan Fragrances - list of perfumes

You’d ask why do I buy Refan perfumes. Well … The bottles are very simple and not heavy, that’s why I think the 15ml bottles are perfect for travelling and to carry them in the purse all the time. That’s the main reason I love them. Of course at home I love to look at the luxurious designer bottles. I have reasonable amount of original bottles of perfumes and I love them all. Another reason why do I like the Refan perfumes is, this way I can really try a perfume and see if I like it enough to buy expensive original in a beautiful bottle. Or I buy a perfume that is not entirely my thing but it’s still nice for special occasions etc. but I wouldn’t use it enough to use it up. Do you know what I mean?

After pimping up my bottles and thinking of Christmas and Christmas gifts etc. I though this might be a good idea for people on a budget. We live in hard times right now with the bad economy and stuff, so this perfumes are maybe a good idea. It’s the thought that counts not the value of the gift! And you can personalize the bottles. You can paint something nice on them or you can put fancy stickers on the bottles or maybe even rhinestones. You have endless possibilities, just use your imagination!

Have you ever tried the Refan perfumes? Or maybe some other brand of perfumes of this type? What do you think of them?
How do you like the idea of personalized bottles of perfumes as a gift?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

18 thoughts on “Refan perfumes”

  1. Iz Refana sem imela nekaj let nazaj parfum, ker se mi zdi odlična rešitev za obdobja ko primanjkuje denarja, ampak od takrat sem se zaljubljala samo v parfume, ki jih nimajo. Zdaj sem pregledala seznamček ki si ga objavila in prav tako nimajo moje nove ljubezni. :( Pa sem tako broke da ga že nekaj tednov samo sanjam, ker mi ne znese. Sicer pa sem VELIK ljubitelj parfumov, skupaj z dizajnom stekleničke in vsem; se mi zdi perfekten modni dodatek. :yes: Od odkritja spletnih trgovin je vse skupaj še olajšano, saj jih prodajajo pol ceneje kot v drogerijah, prav tako originale.

    Se mi pa zdi odlična ideja za darila ja, seveda če veš vsaj približno katere vonje komu kupiti. Jaz si tega ne upam, razen če točno vem komu kateri parfum kupit, se mi zdi preveč specifična stvar. :)

  2. Meni je ravno zmanjkalo idej za cenovno ugodna darila – tako da super prispevek. Mislim, da bo kar nekaj mojih dragih letos dobilo darila iz Refana :)…

  3. Po prebrani objavi sem takoj ‘letela’ v btc. Fantu sem kupila Euphorio od CK, ni ravno isti isti vonj ma me je vseeno prepričal, ker lepo diši, o ceni pa raje ne bom, ker je super, hvala ti za to objavo! :happy: Ps: do danes nisem nikoli bila notri, mimo sem šla pa že velikokrat :whistle:

    • Vonji verjetno res niso čisto identični. Tudi če imajo iste formulacije, nimajo istih sestavin ipd. A meni so njihovi parfumčki čisto kul za namene, ki sem jih opisala zgoraj. :thumb: Če mi nekaj diši, mi je res vseeno, kako se imenuje. Še vedno pa bom, če bom le lahko, kupovala prav tako originale tistih parfumov, ki so mi res super.
      Me veseli, da ti je bila moja objava v pomoč! :party:

  4. Jaz sem že kupila 4, sicer ne iz Refana ampak iz lokalne trgovine s točenimi parfumi – Hypnotic Poison in J’adore + 2 za fanta. Zadovoljna, čeprav sem se prvega že zelo naveličala. :silly:
    Dobra ideja, sploh za tiste, ki si včasih nemorejo/mo privoščiti originala. Nisem ravno redni uporabnik parfumov, za kdaj pa kdaj mi pa super pridejo. :)
    Moram pa še v Refana zaviti, vidim, da imajo še boljo ponudbo. :yes: Super post, in ja, lepo si spimpala flaške, res so malo dolgočasne. :whistle:

  5. Sicer nisem uporabnica točenih parfumov, mi je pa všeč koncept :) Moti me edino to, da mi potem kdo pametuje da so to original parfumi, samo v drugi steklenički. Takrat bi najraje bruhala od njihove naivnosti. :shock:

    • Nope, originali pa res niso. Tega nikoli nisem in ne bom trdila. Vedno rečem, da mi je vseeno, kako bi se imenovali ti vonji … če mi je všeč in je obstojen, ga bom uporabljala. Pa naj mu bo ime Rožica, Janezek ali pa Lolita. :biggrin:

    • Imam običajne nalepke, na katere lahko printaš. Mislim, da je firma Avery Zweckform. Po moje se dobijo v papirnicah, nekaj ima tudi Muller. Imajo pa več različnih velikosti, bele, prosojne … na netu pa najdeš template za printaje. :wink:
      Ja, vse je samo sprinatno na nalepke. :wink:
      Čisto simpl. :yes:

  6. jaz imam od refana že tretjo stekleničko lolite lempicke. Meni se zdi vonj enak originalu, pa tudi obstojen je. Res da je originalna steklenička veliko lepša, ampak zame to ni pomembno, ker parfumov nimam na vidnem mestu, tudi talepših ne.
    Se mi pa zdi to dobra ideja za darilo. Nazadnje sem bila v refanu v celju, so imelu tudi malo lepše stekleničke, tiste na blazinico ali kako bi temu rekla, lol. Če pa jo še sama okrasiš, pa še toliko bolje.

    • Naslednjič si bom zelo verjetno tudi sama kupila Lolito, ker je to ravno eden tistih parfumov, ki mi niso pisani na kožo, a za tu in tam bi bila good.
      Mislim, da imajo tukaj tudi tiste lepše (vintage) stekleničke, a so tudi dražje in mi potem že skoraj ni vredno keša. Raje dam še nekaj zraven in kupim krasen original. Ali pa si sama malce polepšam stekleničko.


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